TSC I485 Tracker for March 2004

My RD is 04/15/03. Also since it is a family based petition it was filed at the local district office(Atlanta)
did you guys notice the website is down for maintenance? let's hope the current way of scanning won't be disrupted or denied when it comes back online
yes patiencelesstx, the site is down for maintainance.

+ added kumarsin's more data for 01-266
+ Rescanned again in Aug 01. (01-236 to 01-249)
+ updated approvals & new members in the member sheet.

Totals - Feb/Mar - 43435 1798/269
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more approvals in 01-262 to 01-280

I did multi scan from src0126250000 - src0128051242, and found total of 289 approval for march, but unforunately when I try to save the file, xl generated an exception, and file got closed.
If some one can pickup this range you can find more approvals.

rescanned from 02-001 to 02-030.

FEB/MAR approvals are 1801/339. but i am unable to save the file.
Will rescan a few may be the one kumarsin did after couple of hours , Is any one in the process now ??
Status remains the same for 02 155

Ran for 02 155 on March 7 th.

The status remains the same ( what Jumboree did a few days ago).

No change in updates.

Goastros - I am attaching the scan for the first 1000 numbers for 01-268 (I had attached the same data in the other thread, but just in case you missed it there). 2 approvals in March and 8 in Feb. I am going to finish this date before going back to Oct 01.
Thanks picsarus.. i see pradha's note so i will wait till he posts the next version and add the data you have sent ( if pradha has already not added).
i too have some new data for 01-228 and I have updated the members sheet.
if you see the members sheet we still have 81 form members unapproved from 2001 out of total of 212.

overall I feel, 1st week march 04 approvals is not at 1st week Feb 04 approvals's pace.

before you post you can add two more empty sheets for 02-015 and 02-016. Both searched upto 5939 and no number was found.

it's been really depressing for me to scan these "empty" dates. maybe i should leave the rest to picsarus :)
patiencelesstx, you had the no for approvals for 1st week of
feb 04?
what was that number compared to the 1st week of approvals for march 04?
let me check.

The approval counts for the past six weeks:
366 (last week of Jan) / 470 (First week of Feb) / 432 / 333 (P Day) / 590 / 400 (first week of Mar)

It could still beat 470 when all numbers come in. But probably not 590.

Originally posted by goastros
patiencelesstx, you had the no for approvals for 1st week of
feb 04?
what was that number compared to the 1st week of approvals for march 04?
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Re: version 219

That was exactly what kept me going during the scans.

Maybe rename to patienceFullTSC?

Originally posted by pradha
Version 219

I know how it feels when you find nothing after scanning. But then that is the best thing, The less 485 cases the better it is. But some how you ( at leat I feel) feel miserable when you find nothing. That is why I keep a few sheets and keep switching. You seem to be a lot more patiant.

You should be able to change over to patiancefullTx after you finish October.

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Changes since 219

+ Updated Counts sheet.

+ Added some more data in SRC02-035
( That was the only sheet I skipped as originally faitas scanned it. Now that most of Nov is complete I may as will finish)

Totals - Feb/Mar - 44032 - 1831/410

Re: Re: Scan for 02-03853xxx

Originally posted by goastros
Boyc442, thanks for posting the file and welcome to the forum.
is this your RD/ND by the way ?
Actually pradha had already collected the same data. It is already part of the all_cons.xls.

Yes, this is the range of my ND. Thank you (and pradha too) for your consolidation effort.

More data from 01-268 (total approx. 2000 numbers). Certainly looks like there is a lot of activity for this date in Feb and March. 13 approvals in Feb and 7 in March so far, with a few RFEs thrown in. Next installment: tomorrow.

By the way - goastros or pradha, can you please add an empty date for 02-004. Forgot to mention this yesterday. And no, patiencelesstx - I don't enjoy looking at a blank page as a result of a scan any more than you do :)
ver 221

changes since ver 220
+ added more data for 01-228
+ added picsarus's more data for 01-268
+ added indianboyindallas's data for 03-094
+ updated approvals & new members in the member sheet.

Totals - Feb/Mar - 44291 1836/415

boyc, would you like to help by running a scan for a different date.
I have updated your id on the members sheet as well.
Tombaan, you might have across same issue that kumarsin might be running into.

pradha, i am using office xp, the size of the excel file went down.
it shows 6942 kbs, i remember the all_cons that you had posted in ver 220 was above 7000 kbs. please confirm.
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