Tri Valley Student!! Needs help


New Member
My friend came to US on a F1 Visa to Tri-valley Univ last year. He was on OPT from day-1 and attended classes online because he was working in a different state.
Recently when he got notice from USCIS, He lost hope and was planning to leave to India, when he was contacted by person X, telling him that if he turn into a federal witness and testify against other students who had violated their visa rules, he would get help with his petition for Political asylum.
My friend wants to know the legality and possibility of this to happen. He was also told that if he is not willing to help, than they would give the chance to others.
Blog guru's, your timely help will be really appreciated.
so ur friend wants to be a rat and go against other people who are similar like him.

Dont you have any sense of shame or decency to post this question here.

Just get the hell out of the country, voluntary departure or what ever.

if u want t go to school, take the route a normal person would.

have some ethics and principles and stand for it!
u make me puke!
DuDe u and ur frnd both suck bigg time !!! By the way who is this Mr.X ..? Is he peerally ??