Trcker Waiting for approval APR/MAY/JUNE

Here are my detials

RD: May,2001
ND: Aug,2001
FP: Dec,2001
Cat: EB2/RIR
Country: India
State: MD

Please update.

My details & AVM question

Milk, can you please add my details to the list. Thanks!
RD 6/28/01
ND 8/17/01
FP 11/28/01

My AVM says fingerprints received Dec 5th. Does that mean they\'ve been cleared (because the fingerprinting was done on Nov 28th), or is it just because of the delay in entering it in the system?
add me to the list

PD - Jun\'00, RD - 04/13/01, ND - 06/11/01, FP - 11/7/01, AVM says "Results of FP collected on Nov 19th and pending review"
Thanks milk for the initiative
Do you know what it means NBlue?

Does it mean the case is assigned to an officer or an officer is working on the case?
AVM Message changed

RD April 12, 2001
ND June 26,2001
EAD August 14,2001
FP Nov 8,2001
AVM Message Changed :
FROM This Msg:
On nov 19,2001 the Fingerprints for your I-485 application to adjust to Permanent Resident status were collected and pending review.

To This Msg:
On Dec 31,2001 the review results of the Fingerprints for your I-485 were received and..........and we will inform you the decision when it is made.

Have a Good Day.
Message changed for me too

Please add my details to the list
RD 6/28/2001, ND 8/16/2001, FingerPrint Date 11/28/2001 AD ????
GOPATS, you and me have very similar RD & ND.

Hey gopats,

I guess we not only have the same PD issue but also very similar RD & ND. Here are my details... I haven\'t checked AVM off late but last time i checked it said " We recieved your FP on the 5th of Dec and it is pending review" Will check again tonite to see if there are any updates.

PD: 12/99
MD: 06/21/01
RD: 06/23/01
ND: 08/16/01
FP: 11/23/01
AP: ????????

Good luck
message change ?

  What is your guess ? what does this mean, do you think that the message change cases are being picked up by the officers for a decision ?
