travel with plastic GC and I-94


Registered Users (C)
I would be travelling abroad and I have my plastic GC. I also have my I-94 from my F-1. I know it doesnt mean anything now as I am a permenant resident now. . But do I still need to submit to the immigration officer when i leave USA? Or do I need to send it in post to USCIS OR do i just need to keep it with myself OR do i need to discard it?

Hope to hear from some knowledgeable person . Thanks a lot,
This is correct. Your I-94 has no further valude. CIS usually asks you to return I-94 (yours is the first case I am aware of where it was not) as well as EAD cards. They did not ask for mine, so I have kept them as a souvenier.

I suppose if you really wanted to you could mail it back to them; I'd just discard it. When entering the US you will only need to show your plastic card. As most of us have experienced, come through an airport and immigration will also ask for a passport; latter not asked for when driving through Canada/Mexico.

sadiq said:
As most of us have experienced, come through an airport and immigration will also ask for a passport; latter not asked for when driving through Canada/Mexico.

By golly, are you advising other to not take thier passport when driving to Canada or Mexico? Dont spread wrong information that could get others into trouble. If you are driving to Canada or Mexico, you still need to take the passport and US GC.

Vote Bush '04
Don't be stupid to go to Canada or Mexico without your passport and get into trouble at the border. People who have been detained at the border don't think the holding cells are very comfortable.

Be safe, take your passport and GC when going to Canada and Mexico. Live happy.

Vote Bush '04
One does not need a foreign passport if one has a US GC with him/her while entering the US from Canada/Mexico. Period.

While its a good idea to have your passport with you anytime you leave the US, in this case its not required.

dsfgh100 is WRONG
I have just completed a trip to Europe without using a passport. Europeans took my national ID card, US took my green card. The officer at the PoE (Atlanta) asked me for a passport, but when I explained that my passport is being renewed (genuine reason) he seemed to be fine. I was ready to present excerpts from the law - 8 CFR 211.2 (a)(2) and 8 CFR 211.1 (a)(2) for your reference - but it was not necessary.

The most explaining I had to do was on the departure from the US - the airline staff did not know how an EU national ID looks like...
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eltoro said:
I have just completed a trip to Europe without using a passport. Europeans took my national ID card, US took my green card. The officer at the PoE (Atlanta) asked me for a passport, but when I explained that my passport is being renewed (genuine reason) he seemed to be fine. I was ready to present excerpts from the law - 8 CFR 211.2 (a)(1) for your reference - but it was not necessary.

The most explaining I had to do was on the departure from the US - the airline staff did not know how an EU national ID looks like...

eltoro, You are missing the point. Original question is about travel to Mexico and Canada. Not Europe. There is no national id in Mexico and Canada. That is why you need GC and passport, or proof of US citizenship when going to the border countries.

Vote Bush '04
JoeF and eltoro, Since you blabbering Jokers are propounding the stupid idea of traveling to Mexico and Canada without passport, I suggest you go together. This board will be free of two Jokers who give misinformation to innocent people.

For people who are interested in the real truth, the might want to look at

That link I posted above says, "U.S. Residents from any other nationality may enter Mexico showing a valid passport together with U.S. permanent resident card."

Goodbye JoeF and eltoro, enjoy your imprisonment at the borders for not carrying sufficient documents with you. Morons!

Vote Bush '04
JoeF said:
Oh our resident troll has once again shown that he can't read...
What part of "PRs don't need a passport when entering the US" don't you understand???
And, what part of "It may be necessary to have a passport with you to enter and/or leave some other country, of course. That depends on that country's laws" don't you understand???

Glad you conceded on one part of the arguement. Now you agree that passport is needed to travel to Mexico and Canada. That was my point in this discussion, and I am happy to have educated JoeF and saved other innocent readers who would have otherwise been in trouble listening to JoeF's blabbering Joker advice.

Vote Bush '04
JoeF said:
And, what part of "It may be necessary to have a passport with you to enter and/or leave some other country, of course. That depends on that country's laws" don't you understand???

JoeF meant SOME OTHER COUNTRY. Not the US. PR's can enter the US (from Canada/Mexico) with just a Green Card
JohnKerry said:
JoeF meant SOME OTHER COUNTRY. Not the US. PR's can enter the US (from Canada/Mexico) with just a Green Card

If JoeF said that, then JohnKerry said that. Because, JoeF = JohnKerry. Same person, different IDs.

Vote Bush '04
Ok, my two cents.

1. As far as the US is concerned a GC holder does not need a passport (assuming you have the plastic card of course).
2. I have not been to Mexico. I did cross the border to go to Canada. The immigration officials will look at your papers. All I showed was my GC. I don't know if you need a passport.
3. I personally ALWAYS carry my passport when traveling abroad whether or not it's needed (even to Canada).

dsfgh100, it seems as if you are hell bent on creating friction in this forum. I ask again: why is someone like yourself who openly has contempt for immigrants on this forum? Do you get your kicks out of insulting us?

sadiq said:
Ok, my two cents.

1. As far as the US is concerned a GC holder does not need a passport (assuming you have the plastic card of course).
2. I have not been to Mexico. I did cross the border to go to Canada. The immigration officials will look at your papers. All I showed was my GC. I don't know if you need a passport.
3. I personally ALWAYS carry my passport when traveling abroad whether or not it's needed (even to Canada).

dsfgh100, it seems as if you are hell bent on creating friction in this forum. I ask again: why is someone like yourself who openly has contempt for immigrants on this forum? Do you get your kicks out of insulting us?


Sadiq, One thing to remember here is... don't extrapolate your experience to mean the law. You might have visited Canada once and not be asked to show passport. That does not mean, you could advice others to do the same. There are people who have been detained (read, arrested) by US border agents for trying to enter with insufficient information. It does not take more than one arrest to screw up your history. Please refrain from supplying false advice.

On your assertion that I have contempt for immigrants, there could be nothing more incorrect than that. I have disagreed with you in the past when you used your Muslim religion to defend your point. I am not here for religious discussions, and I might have bitch-slapped you to focus on immigration. Don't slander me with these false accusations. If you want to say that I have contempt for immgrants, the legal and hard working ones, please prove your point, or apologize to me.

Vote Bush '04