Traking DOL list for California due to 245I Part 3

Sorry about the flame!

Actually I was not planning to flame on the BB again but this little monologue is a little too much to digest.

God_and_GreenCard, as far as your point about leaving your parents behind and your relatives goes, I don\'t recollect anyone from the US forcing you to come here. If that is how you feel, then you can always go back to India and enjoy life in the "Intellectual" company of over a billion people, living in your parents house "remembering" your relatives all the time. I am sure the US will not stop you from doing that.

As far as "other foreign nationals entering the country only after they are confident about not missing their home", what does that tell you about India? That Indians will put up with anything to get away from India because anything is better! Unfortunately you seem to subscribe to that theory since you are putting up with the hassles of Labor Certifications instead of living/working in India.

Again, there is nothing preventing you from going back to India. There is no law forcing you to file for a green card or to stay in this country. If this is how you feel, then feel free to go back!
You cannot

be more sillier than you what you seem to be today... Read between the lines.. The moot point is \'Had we been little more demanding, we would not get hassled by the vagaries of the INS law".
My parents live here and most of my relatives do.. The topic is not anything personal, it is related to the way we swift when the wind blows....After all , we form a group of a royal profession. There is something we can demand rather lashing out tongues for every viccissitude of INS law...
The bottomline is not why I/we am/are here..It is whether we are stepping up any bit??? By any means , we are not entitled for a rat race..
What the point is

I think God_and_Greencard you are missing some vital point here.

The immigration of Indians to this country is fairly new as opposed to that of Africans. IT was only in 1960\'s a lot more Indian\'s moved here. So Indian\'s have not been here for more than 2 generations. One our parents and another us. Most of the laws made for the Africans was way back when so we really can\'t complain that they have not made a law for us
The people who have any impact on policy making are not the people applying for a GC but the people who have a voting right.Since Indian\'s have not been here long there is not that great a population of Indian\'s here and a lot of them do not vote and even if they did vote they got their Nationality why do they care what happens to the people coming after them(a very Indian mentality).
The few people who do vote are the America born Indians. They are too busy trying to be not Indian and denying any connection to their roots.

Also a little introsepection is needed here rather than trying to tell others what they don\'t do and should do.

PS: If US was to ease up their laws about immigration to the US everyone and his relative from India would be here.
Hi Labor_Takes_For_Ever

The Name you chose itself tells if you are not frustrated or bothered about all this Maze. We are all infact. I think the point here is to be "United" and Demand a Better Service that we deserve as a Customer and as a community. I think the stress here is "UNITED" again. As we all agree to the point that this is one attitude suppressing India as a country. That we tend to be more Individual than Team. And this is taken advantage by anyone. If all the Illegal Immigrants to US could voice together and get to have the Congress vote for 245, why cant a legal, tax paying guys.
That\'s why we can\'t ...

Because it\'s much easier to take the money we pay for 6 years to Social Security, and give it to some illegal which will start collect food stamps as soon as he gets legal status. Don\'t you ever think that we\'re just donating for SS system of US, without a chance to ever collect it, be it pension, unemployment or disability ?

Nobody really gives a damn. The only ones who can help us, are AILA -- but they are much more interested in pushing through 245i, and big employers -- but they can\'t do much in current economic situation.
Don\'t see any approvals for my company after 3/20/02

From the info recieved from lcstatus09@, I don\'t see any approvals for my company after 3/20/02. I did see a bunch of RDs with 02/11/01 and some of them got certified on 03/20/02, but still some of them are not certified yet. I am working for a big s/w company, which don\'t have any layoffs.
GC-IS-A-DREAM I am sorry to say that I disagree with your points

and that of labor_takes_forever rather agree to what od_And_GreenCard has said. I would like to put forward as to what I read in God_And_GC’s comment.

· Statements like these are generalized statements and should be read in right perspective. Although they may not be 100% correct but are quite close to reality. We have to be mature enough to get the gist of such comments. In this light, God_And_GC’s comment if befitting and should server as a call for a little introspection to us all - ‘intellectual’ Indians.
· About the ‘African’ example, I think what God_And_GC wants to point that even those not-so-intellectual people who came to this country as slaves when made united effort were able to get their dues and what they thought just. Thus if we Indians also put a united face and make determined efforts then we can also get our dues and recipe from the whims and fancies of INS. Now I am not blaming INS solely for these ‘autocratic’ rules which affect us but the fact that INS (or as it seems to me) don’t consider its repercussion on us - who have already been contributing to US economy. I agree INS has to think of US native first but they cannot totally ignore those who are on H1 and waiting for GC just because economy is not good right now. After all bad economy is not going to last for ever. Moreover INS has not stopped issuing new H1s which once issued will entitle the holder to take away a job for next 6 years. My point is INS CANNOT reject GC citing unemployment as a reason as long as they have issued even one single new H1.
· Going back to one’s country is always an option but that I personally consider a cowardice if opted without putting a fight. Coming to US was not easy for me (and for many of us) and will not accept without fighting if I am just kicked out of US because of any new rule or a new interpretation of an existing rule.

I agree we should be more demanding rather than taking things lying down or pulling each other. I may be lacking in resource, direction and time that I have not been able to contribute anything to this effect but I am certainly do not lack will to do so. If I remember it right, there was this organization called ISN which was quite active until early last year when the INS got very efficient. I am not sure if it was their efforts or just circumstance (dot-com boom) which got INS working. We can surely have something on lines of ISN. ISN, I guess, has become defunct and dormant, once their purpose is solved.
No Title

Are we still stuck at 11/02?. Any updates are greatly appreciated.Looks like this is another bottleneck.So is it safe to assume that the DOL is now processing by the transfer date and not the RD?.

Last Month Update

Processing 29th Oct 2001 was started on 28th FEB 2002. It took one month to process one week ( 29th oct to 2nd Nov 01). In fact they are still processing 2nd Nov. So, at this rate to complete one month processing 4 months are required.

I hope something good happens.
No Title

Yes you are correct......Something drastical has to happen, otherwise we are going to be stuck forever.
Does anyone have any idea as to whether all the cases being processed at the DOL at this time are all Non RIR or RIR?.

Guys, take action. we might be stuck forever!

case 09510999 certified on 03/27/2002. Thursday, Friday and Monday have passed. Cases 09511000 to 09511034 not touched yet.
No Title

Any ideas as to whether the DOL is processing cases based on the Case numbers or on the RD/Transfer Date?.
Sadlmm- Could you please let us know how you were able to get the information on the cases being processed?.
send email to with the following contents

CASE 09511000
CASE 09511001
CASE 09511002
CASE 09511003
CASE 09511004
CASE 09511005
CASE 09511006
CASE 09511007
CASE 09511008

BTW, no move on yeterday (4/2).

This is from message 29 in this thread .. After reading through all the messages in this thread and previous threads I think that DOL is processing about 100-120 applications/day.. It is based on the following calculations,

>>>>>> 10/26 ----------- 09507xxx

10/26 was started on Feb 27 according to the following link,(#170 of 196, or message 69 )
>>>>>>> 11/02 ----------- 09510xxx (3000+ apps between 10/26-11/2)

by 11/02 DOL completed 09510999 on Apr 2( check 133 , or message #71 in this thread)

10/26 to 11/2 there were 3000+ application which took approximately, 20-25 business days to complete, 3000/25 ( conservative) = 120/day.


11/09 ----------- 09512xxx (1900+ apps between 11/2-11/09) - 16 days
11/13 ----------- 09512xxx (600+ apps between 11/9-11/13) - 5 days
11/19 ----------- 09512xxx (200+ apps between 11/13-11/19) - 2 days
11/21 ----------- 09513xxx (100+ apps between 11/19-11/21) - 1 day
11/26 ----------- 09513xxx (250+ apps between 11/21-11/26) - 2 days
12/03 ----------- 09513xxx (250+ apps between 11/26-12/03) - 2 days
12/06 ----------- 09514xxx (450+ apps between 12/02-12/06) - 3 days
12/26 ----------- 09515xxx (1000+ apps between 12/06-12/26) - 8-9 days
12/31 ----------- 09515xxx (275+ apps between 12/26-12/31) - 2 days
1/2/02 ----------- 09515xxx (60+ apps between 12/31-1/2/02) - 1/2 day
1/7/02 ----------- 09515xxx (30+ apps between 1/2/02-1/7/02) - 1/2 day
1/18/02 -----------09516xxx (550+ apps between 1/7/02-1/18/02) - 4 days
1/22/02 -----------09516xxx (110+ apps between 1/18/02-1/22/02) - 1 day
1/25/02 -----------09516xxx (50+ apps between 1/22-1/25/02) - 1/2 day

 My guess is that DOL is now in the range from 11/2 to 11/9 which has 1900 applications, and so we need to shut ourselves up for another 15 working days and suddenly you will see DOL has moved to 11/9.

  These calculations are my own, so please do not comment if you do not like it. You can interpret the way you want !!!

  Also, We need to get the table data from 1/25/02 to 4/3/02 ? if anyone can get it , it would be great !!
is that assuming the cases are processed sequentially?

The follwing are my conclusions based on the data I reviewed:

1. The case numbers are NOT processed sequentially.
2. Case numbers at Dol are not assigned in chronological order i.e a case received yesterday can be assigned a number say, 155 and a case received 14 months ago is assigned a number of 156.
3. Based on above, I really donot understand the basis on which the case numbers are assigned.

Another observation is that the cases seem to be bunched on a per occupation basis, but not in all the cases observed.

I will post the data later.
Again, these are conclusions drawn from a very small sample size and feel free to argue against it. No personal attacks like what happened to other such posters before.