Traking DOL list for California due to 245I Part 3

hey guys really need info on this...

my company finally agreed on applying for my GC after much ado since i have only 9 months left. They have decided to file LC substitution but have a clause saying i cannot opt for CP . Do you know why they are doing this is it a law for not able to opt for CP if there is LC substituion or is it only my company doing this to make it more dreadful for me.
Any information would be really helpful.
- aptu
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My attorney stated that the DOL would process my case within 60-90 working days.RD is in the 1st week of Jan. They are still processing Oct cases. Another 3-4 months to go, that puts the DOL processing at about 8-9 months.To get the labor approved it might take about 2 years total.
I just fail to understand what the problem is. 245(i) cases should have been processed, they should all have been non rir, yet the DOL is swamped?.
Does it mean that most of the 245(i) cases have been RIR??

As far as I can see, that is the only reason the Dol might be swamped.
DOL @ 10/31 as of 3/18

Well, 10/31 is the last day SESA forwarded 4/30 applications (actually they moved to 5/4 by 10/31). So hopefully we have seen the last of 245i RIR cases move past DOL.

Apparently the delay is because of hiring and training they were doing. I wonder if they are done with that and will actually get back to processing cases soon...
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The DOL has been processing 10/31 for about 3-4 days now.What bothers me is that most of the 245(i) cases should have been Non RIR, they wouldnt have moved to the DOL so soon, then what is it that is delaying the DOL?. If we consider that the Non RIR cases did infact reach the DOL pretty quickly, then what is the possibility that DOL will process the RIR cases first and then the Non RIR, if they go by case # then definetly the Non RIR cases will be processed first, as to how long that will take....Take a wild guess.
Hope things change for the better.
DOL is delaying !!

I think the delay is more strategic than operational. I see no movements in some SESAs simply because they are having a wait and watch process right now. Also in DOL Regional Processing as they dont want to issue many of the LCs. I see more and more Queries for even Big companies which have not Laid Off many employees. This Delay could be attributed to two reasons.
1) That the DO at a high level has given directives to slow doan at all level in view of the Economic Down turn
2) DOL wants to increase the Back log so much by 2003 when they are planning on introducing the PERM program that there will be plenty of applicants opting for it.
I agree

I also think DOL is delaying intentionally. But unfortunately, I couldn\'t provide evidence to prove their \'intention\'. Can you explain sth on the \'PERM program\'?
Got the information...

PERM is an acronym for the Premium Processing programme... for eg. for I-140... which is expected to start sometime in Spring of this year in California.... by paying extra $1000, get the processing done in 15 days...
PERM Program !!

PERM is for Labor Department what the Premium Processing for INS is. This will entitle for a expedited processing upon payment of a fee. DOL was supposed to have introduced this program some time this year but is now postponing to some time this time next year. Before that if they could make as much back log as possible it will be more profitable as more number of people will opt for PERM. Its a guess.
Prem Processing

Apparently somewhere in INS service web site, check it out. Or am I wrong guys? Anybody out there pls. help clarify this.
DOL update (?)

Just collated some information retreived from doleta09, it was a small range (276 cases), but the major trend was that DOL is actually still processing Oct 31 cases. They haven\'t started on any of the Nov cases yet. All the Oct. cases in my sample had been certified (atleast those I thought were RIR). There are a number of Nov 2 cases in the queue, so look out for that date people, it might be the next bottle neck.

I don\'t really buy the theory that DOL is trying to build a backlog of cases to sell their Premium Processing service. DOL is not a business (unfortunately), and they are answerable to someone. I think this delay is due to the bureaucratic tangle they are in, what with the re-org that they just carried out and the lack of clear direction with regards to the economy etc.

If you have been following the news, the INS has been getting a lot of flak these days and I am sure that will make them, pull their socks up. Hopefully that attitude will precolate down to the DOL as well.
Thank you labor_takes_forever

Thanks for the update.

I talked to my lawyer and she said that the delay is because they are training new people. She had a meeting with some people from DOL and that\'s what they said. Hopefully, after they finish the training and are done with the October 31 cases, we will see some improvement in the time wait.

might be an excuse

My attorney told me same story. But, DOL might be using this as an excuse. In addition, DOL didn\'t announce the merge of SF center and Seattle center. Who knows how long they will need in training? DOL didn\'t release details of staff attrition (or shortage) and new hires.
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Even if lets say for argument sake, DOL did move up and fire on all the cylinders....They are at OCT right now....Even if they move one day everday, we are still looking at an average wait time of about 3-4 months, assuming you RD is somewhere early in this year.
Its goin to be wait anyhow....the question is how long do we want to wait.
Just a thought.