Tracker for CONFIRMED August Interviews - Mumbai Consulate

no reply from Mumbai consulate

I emailed to inquire about the interview date on 7/9. No reply as yet :(
(QuickyGC, now ManFriday on cptracker)
How much gap should we keep between medicals and interview?

I have interview on 29th, Thursday.
Is it OK if I keep medicals on 26th ?
I will like to stay till id sep. so I dont want to go too early.
But if this gap is not sufficient then i need to change my plan...
But I will prefe staying back for ganpati rather than having my leave go for time earlier than that...

What are the chances that medical might need more than 3 days to get the report? I plan to do it in Hinduja or Lilavati which i suppose is just one day than the other one.
Please post your views.....

cpmumbai2002, when do u plan to go for medicals ?

SVJ, I am from bombay so no staying arrangemnt required for me.


Medicals on 26th should be fine for you.. It normally takes one day + 2-3 days for additional tests IF required.. Worst case, you can always go to the interview without medicals and then go back with the reports to collect your packets..

Since you are from mumbai, could you tell me where is 'Tardeo' locality ? How close would it be to Leelavati (isn't that in Bandra) and US Consulate (Breach Candy right ?) Reason is that I may be able to get an apartment in Tardeo to stay in for the days that I will be in Mumbai and wanted to know where it is and how far it is from the places that matter on this trip.
I am planning on doing the medicals on the 26th at Hinduja...

As Moulin mentioned, in case additional tests are reqd, I will attend the interview on the 29th and submit the additional paperwork later.

Moulin, the consulate will be about half hour drive from Tardeo. Lilvati is in Bandra and it might take an hour from Tardeo. But Hinduja will be closer than Lilavati for you.
Tardeo is near Bombay Central

Tardeo is near Bombay Central. So it is near breach candy hospital
and consulate.

As cpMumbai metioned it might be good place for your current requirements distancewise.

Thanks cpMumbai and Moulin for sharing your thoughts. Now I will plan for departure on 22/23rd....

cpMumbai, When do u plan to take an apointment ? Is it better to take it immediately?
What do we mention on phone the appointment is for?
"Medicals for GC"?
thanks subbu

Here is the medicals info. that I got from US consulate website for Hinduja's and Leelavati. With Hinduja closer to Tardeo, I think I would prefer that when its my turn.. Anyway.. I beleive it would be wise to get appointments now. I would expect them to quickly fill up once the dates are announced on the web and once people (F4's) start receiving their P4's. Mumbai does around 1500 IV's per month !!

Lilavati Hospital
A-791 Bandra Reclamation
Bandra (West)
Mumbai 400 050

Visa applicants can call the hospital between 13:00 and 16:00hrs, Monday through Friday, for an appointment. The direct phone number for a medical appointment is (91) (22) 645-5918. Applicants can also call through the hospital switchboard at (91) (22) 645-5891 or 643-8281, ext. 2074.

All reports will be available to the applicants on the same evening. The timings are as follows:

08:00 hrs - 10:00 hrs: Registration, Blood test and X-ray
11:00 hrs - 13:00 hrs: Doctor's Examination
16:00 hrs - 16:30 hrs: Collection of Reports

Fees are:

Blood test: Rs. 745/-
X-rays: Rs. 220/-
Physical Exam: Rs. 195/-
Vaccine Administration Fee: Rs. 50/- per vaccine (patients will be required to purchase any needed vaccines at the regular market price from the hospital's Chemist Shop)

P. D. Hinduja National Hospital
Nursing Supervisor
Veer Savarkar Marg
Mahim, Mumbai 400 016

Hinduja Hospital normally schedules patients between 07:00 and 07:30 hrs, Monday through Friday, but is willing to accept patients outside these times in extraordinary circumstances.

All reports will be available to the patient the same evening.

Immigrant visa applicants interested in using Hinduja Hospital should call the hospital directly at any of the following phone numbers: (91)(22) 445-2422 or 444-7183/4 (up to 17:30 hrs.), or 445-2422 (10:00 - 12:00, and 13:30 - 15:30 hrs.).

Hinduja's typical fees are:

15 years of age and older: Rs. 1700 (includes complete medical consultation, chest X-ray, ELISA HIV test, VDRL for Syphilis, and Dt. and MMR vaccination)
Below 15 years of age: Rs. 1000 (includes complete medical consultation, chest X-ray, and Dt., Polio, MMR vaccination)
Additional charges (if required)

HIV (Western Blot): Rs. 2,610
Sputum Smear: Rs. 100
Consultation with Psychiatrist: Rs. 400
Varicella Vaccine: Rs. 1,425
Pneumococcal Vaccine: Rs. 772
Hib Vaccine: Rs. 530
Hepatitis B: Rs. 169
I took medical appointment

today morning 4am at Lilavati (appo times are from 13 to 16 hrs IST) for 12th @ 7.00 am. I'm leaving US on 8. Got confirm return date on 28th on Delta. I'll be living in Mulund area.
Re: I took medical appointment

Originally posted by svj
today morning 4am at Lilavati (appo times are from 13 to 16 hrs IST) for 12th @ 7.00 am. I'm leaving US on 8. Got confirm return date on 28th on Delta. I'll be living in Mulund area.

svj, which travel agent did you use? My dates are pretty tight. Havent got what I want yet.
I am planning on asking my dad to call up Hinduja and get appt ASAP...

Since we stay in Bombay, I can have him call up the hospital to schedule the appointment. I think they do so many of these nowadays that just mentioning "Medicals for Green Card" should be sufficient for them to understand.
cpmumbai2002, all they ask is name

of primary person and how many in total. Also they give info regarding what we need to bring at the time of medical such as Original Passport and Appointment letter, 2 photos(passport size) and vaccination record, if you have specially for kids.
Kashur, hurry up and book your tix

I got it confirmed today only. He was trying with different options and date, but finaly he gave me confirmed dates. You can contact Sunny at Ajanta travels, NY. Ph 212-532-6900 He is very good. Don't have to bug him for tix(this my experience)
I took appointment in Hinduja.

Is Hinduja expesive than Lilavati?
The pricing of both seem to be different.Yesterday night I spoke to Hinduja and took appointment for 26 th Aug.

Moulin, any proogress for u?
Wish u all the best....
Got a confirmed interview date from Mumbai consulate

email reply...
"Your appointment has been scheduled for 19 August 2002 at 9.30 am and packet 4 was mailed to you on 2 July 2002"

What a relief!!!
Got email..


Looks we are going to be the opening batsmen for Mumbai August XI.. I'm on at 19th Aug at 9:30 too...

Thanks for asking subbu..
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Thanks subbu and congrats Moulin!!
Haha... yeah, we sure will be the first ones to walk on the green pastures ;-)
Congrats and all the best to all.

And the saga continues...
Congrats Moulin!!

See you won the race :) !!

Come up with good score so we tail-enders will not have much of tention :)
Amsterdam Does need transit visa?

My visa stamp on the passport is expired. I do have extention approval along with new I-94 with me.
Do I need transit visa for Amsterdam?

I read the transit visa thread here and looks like Amsterdam
does not need transit visa.
Am I missing something ?

Congratulations, Moulin!!

I just wanted to say congratulations! You finally got the interview date!! I'm so happy for you!

Good luck with the rest of process and have a safe trip to Mumbai!