To call or Not to Call?


Registered Users (C)
As per Rupnet there are 18 Approvals for Aug RD and Sep ND...

Does it makes sense to call IIO( may be after trying 100 times) and ask him what's happening with my case? Or just wait for it to get approved/ check the Online status etc

Lin 01-276-xxxxx
Wait another week - 10 days

From your LIN number seems like your ND is 09/27 or 09/28.
I would wait another week - 10 days and call IIO when people with my ND start getting approved.
Good luck.
I am in the same situation.
RD 8/06
ND 9/18


I'll probably call next week.
talked to iio

I talked to an IIO today and he said that my case is with an officer. How long does it take after a case is assigned to an oficcer?
