The most likely reasons why May RD cases may not have been assigned yet...

Dee Rod

Registered Users (C)
1. There still are adjudication-ready cases waiting to be assigned with RD\'s of April and earlier.
2. INS supervisors have tuned their priorities to get all adjudication-ready cases upto and including the month of APRIL RD\'s with a view to move the JIT forward. If we see a progression in processing dates of I-485 cases in the next few releases of JIT, maybe this hunch is correct.

Also, I don\'t expect a flood of approvals unless one or all of the following happens :
1. INS assigns more officers to adjudicate I-485 cases. Not very likely.
2. INS re-aligns priorities to have their officers focus on I-485 cases. But, if there is a seaparate division for I-485 cases wouldn\'t the officers in that division concentrate on I-485 cases most of the time? Possible but no way to predict.
3. I read somewhere that some INS officers have been diverted to help in data entry of cases and also work in the file room. If some of these officers were from the division that processes I-485 cases and they return to adjudicating I-485 cases. Possible but no way to predict.
4. INS officers work faster, harder. This assumes they have not been working optimally. Assumption probably false, so, not very likely.
5. Officers who were on vacation during the holidays return invigorated and quickly approve cases pending on their desks. Most likely.
What do you guys think? Post your thoughts just to enliven what promises to be a slow week or two. :)
I agree with you but here are some interesting stats.....

hi Dee Rod,

        # case FP done
may 75 51 68 %
june 58 26 44 %
july 70 29 41 %
august 40 9 22 %

total 243 115

DATA courtesy : PCee

Now I did prepare a Chart from the following DATA and I could immidiatly see a striking feature .i.e. If INS somehow overcomes the May ( RD ) work load then the next 3 months ( june , july , Aug ) cases could be approved FAST .....infact lot faster than we can imagine .

I strongly feel that May cases are assigned to the Officers and we should see approvals coming in First or second week on Jan 2002 .

Also if you observe CSC\'s working pattern reg I485 , they make sure that cases do get assigned to the concern officer before completion of 150 days ( 5 months ) from RD considering the fact that FP is done , Again I am speculating here based on the previous approval pattern .

another trend if you have observe , they seem to have held back lot of FP notices , here I do understand that FP is based on the ASC and but then they do have some process in place which trys to regulate the # cases FP done and waiting to be assigned VS FP notices sent out .

I was just sharing my thoughts and ideas with you folks ........

Let us hope and pray that all us get our approvals ASAP .

No Title

hai AZ,

Could Yu pl give me some info avout photo studios in tempe,phx area where I can take immigration photoes. I got rfe (ead)
try this one

Classic One Hour Photo
725 S Rural Rd # C106
Tempe, AZ 85281
(480) 829-7893

this guy does for students ( employment authorization ) also .
No Title

I took photoes there.But I got rfe for ead while checking avm.But I did n\'t get any info from lawyer as he had not yet get notice.Thanks once again az
Security reasons

How about my favorite reason:
After 911 attacks, INs has involved several scrutinies for this most important stage in GC processing.

Remember after AOS approval, the wrong guy can also travel to and fro USA at will.
They will have to screen out all the suspicious elements.
People who believe in killing others for the sake of the religion.
People who can burn their shoes, socks, undergarments, hankies, caps, and own bodies from toes to head to make others suffer.
INS must be weeding that bad element out of the applicants.

This is causing delay to genuin peaceloving folks like us.
In other words , we are also injured because of those 911 attacks.
Some of the IT guys need to transfer into chemicals and work on the batteries to replace gasoline as fuel for motor cars.
That is the reason why Bin Laden\'s boys are jumping up and down so much.

-Vishnu Mahadev