The freaking 180 day rule - Mastech/IGATE guys

Phil Spears

Registered Users (C)
Here is what I heard.....PLEASE DO NOT GET UPSET...If we gotto wait we gotto wait. The news is that in the recent AILA Seminar INS said that it would release the regulations "very soon".....when asked about the dates they did not commit. In Jan INS said it would release the regulations in mid march and in march they said mid "mid April" is just 4 bussiness days from now......they have hinted something like "mid june/july".....In between they have started processing the I140 redos and would process(hopefully)if we submit one without waiting for the RFE bullshit....Now for those guys who have not received RFEs(like me) are in jeopardy because the legal department want to do nothing about it and we are stuck with the issuance of regulations.

Considering the past that the AILA had to sue INS to get the regulations for health care workers after waiting for 2 years, how long should you think that we guys should wait?

Someone in the board had given a wonderfull suggestion like collecting money and taking this thing to the court of law....In case if any such group is formed ....COUNT ME IN!!!
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I will contribute double the amount if we can teach this shady Institute(INS) some lession in ethics of work.
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We are using "word of writing". Let\'s put this into action.
180 days from Oct 17 is only a few days away!!! Let\'s take them to court and force them to bring out the regulations.Somebody should
sperahead this drive. Anybody?

We should now change the name INS to IFS-Immigration Frustration Service.
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I am willing to contribute. I am in the same situation. NO RFE. INS is not even mentioning the hold (but then it depends on which IIO you talk to. Some dont give any info, while some are more forthcoming).
If we wait for manna to fall from heaven, it is not going to happen. We need to form a group and sue INS.They should either follow the old law, issue RFE and process or they should come out with new law in a very definite time frame.

We need to talk to any good attorney willing to take this case. I am somewhat handicapped here being in the midwest region. Someone within VSC region will be defenitely better. Please let me know if one can find a good attorney. I a willing to contribute for this cause.
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Hi friends,
   The amount mentioned is just an indication. It can be any amount.

These are my suggestions :

    0. Wait for the April end as the regulation is expected by April end. Thanks IGTE for your information.
    But at the same we will work parrallely on the following tasks which may take for us at least 2 or 3 weeks to complete

    1. First form a group ( we are approximately 31 (on hold) + 8 (under review) people)
    2. Identify one or two people as leaders
    3. Let the leaders work on the funds ( fixing amount, collecting ...) and also identify and talk to the lawyers.
    4. If we do not hear any positive sign by April end, let us move forward and file a case.

     Please comment.

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BINGO.....There u go

OK my suggestions would be
1. First let us form a group an yahoo group sorta thing just for this cause.
2. As you said let us fix the deadline for them as april end.
3. two or three among the above group should logon to one of the chats with the immigration lawyers to know is it possible to take it to court on or after first week of May
4. If we know when we are eligible to file a case then we can fix that date and move forward in collecting money and doing the things.

WELL BEFORE all the above Four people with leadership qualities should come forward to take the initiative for the cause. One guy for collecting the money....second guy to talk to the attorney....third to take care of the paperwork (like collecting the documents from the members of the group) and the fourth one is for compiling the info about the procedings and passing it on to the members.

LETS Do something!!!
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First we find an attorney to send them a clear message that we\'ll take legal action if they don\'t come up with the regulations by April 15th. Meanwhile we have the attorney to collect facts and prepare all documents needed for the lawsuit.