Talked to IIO


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My wife spoke with an IIO yesterday. She said that although they are currently processing November 2000, the current prctice at TSC is to immediately assign a case to an officer for adjudication as soon as the FP results come in from the FBI. Then it takes about a month after that for an approval. We completed our FP in december 2002. Our case was assigned to an officer on 12/19/02 and then re-assigned to another officer on 02/21/03 because the previous officer was probably on vacation.
Has anyone else heard something similar from an IIO or is this more sand in the eyes from TSC?!
thank you for the news.

arcdocs, Like my wife says, INS has nothing to gain by throwing sand in our eyes. In fact if they give us false reassurance, they will get bombarded by even more phone calls. There have been genuine problems, such as linking up FBI and INS computers, the INS splitting up, El Salvador TPS etc, that we can only hope for the best. I hope we all see some light very soon.

for sharing. It is difficult to get IIOs who give such information, I guess most of them are as frustrated as we are waiting. Hope it is true and we'll all see approvals very soon.

I completed my FP on 2/12, no sign of approval yet. I called up TSC on 3/13 IIO told me that case is still to be processed no info on if it is assigned to an officer or not.
talk to IIO a week back...

She told my case is assigned to officer a month back and can expect result any time... I am not sure what it really mean. still waiting ..
RD 3/01 ND4/01 FP3/02 looks like I am ready for second FP.
Every thing coming out of IIO is BS.

They do not know any thing. May be they should be all transferred to start moving the files.
Problem is with TSC only. All other service centres are moving at a pace while TSC is getting slower day by day.

May be TSC need to be a part of DOD and not Homeland security. If this is the tip of iceberg (visible to us), imagine how many loop holes are still there in their systems.

I think things move better in my country.

For us they told us this ( assigned to an officer ) ever since we got our finger prints cleared from FBI ( from Aug '02 to Feb '03) .

They told us to wait from 2 weeks to 2 months when ever we called during that period.

But as per my attorney , once U hear that its assigned to an officer
it almost in its way , may be an RFE or some thing delays it.
But its pretty much a done DEAL .

Its just the time , and may be the day -- UR DAY !!!!!!