talked to IIO just now


Registered Users (C)
Hi guys,

Just talked to a friendly IIO reg. my Oct. 5th RD case.

She confirmed that mine is a October case (thank God) and they are currently processing October 2001.

She told me that everything is complete on my case. They have the investigation report (heard that one for the first time), fingerprints and address change. Case is with an officer and is awaiting final decision from him/her.

Then i asked specifically about the new FBI check and she told me that my case has come back with a positive response from FBI.

I asked her how much more time. For that she had no answer just said that each officer has tonnes of cases so i should not call again before 30 days.

i have to satisfied with that...
What is "positive response"

from FBI ?
Were they successful in matching your name with the criminal database ?
Just kidding..:D
Hehe.. what does 'positive' mean?
I thought if you were dealing with the FBI, you would want to make sure that everything was negative. :D
Well, if the IIO sounded optimistic, then I guess "Positive" means a good thing now!
Originally posted by GC012002
Hehe.. what does 'positive' mean?
I thought if you were dealing with the FBI, you would want to make sure that everything was negative. :D
Well, if the IIO sounded optimistic, then I guess "Positive" means a good thing now!
otherwise, they would have traced his call by now.,:D

it should be negative. If it is positive..look out thru your u see any chopper?? :D :D anyway congrats!