Taking Passport Photos at Home - 2 cents/photo


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I have been taking PP photos at home for quite a few years with fabulous results, especially for infants. Beats professional photos, because you can take as many photos you want and get the best expression without leaving home.

The key is setting. So here it is:

What you need is a 2MP+ digital camera, a tripod (or some prop), a wall at your home that is close to a window on the side, and daylight hours (try weekends). Get an old passport photo to calibrate yourself on space above and below the head

Open all the window blinds at home - Stand subject by the wall with windows on the side. That should light up the wall behind subject considerably to prevent harsh shadows. Resist turning on fluroscent lights or tungsten lights. Try them in one of the photos if you cant help it (the itch to turn them on is too strong). Windows across cameras should be avoided. Open doors if you have to let light in.

Now as you look thru viewfinder, you may have to get the subject in proper proportions. Considering you are aiming for a 6x4 with six 2X2, look at the subject thru viewfinder, imagine splitting the vertical distance in two and horizontal in three. Now swing camera to bring subject to top or bottom left (that gets you to imagine just the two sides). Move your camera if you have no zoom, or use zoom to get the get the proportions. 1-3/8 of 2 is about 70%

Once you have proportions swing the camera back to get subject in center, focus and take pictures. Take another with flash turned off. Use self timer if on tripod. If you care take a few by moving zoom ever so slightly back and forward.

Use photo editor to crop 2x2 and paste on a 6x4 canvas. Play with it. Use auto levels, color to get picture look better. If you have proportions right, print copies and cut.

For infants, set paper towels on floor and lay infants head on floor.

Seems like a lot to do, but once you get the hang of it, all future PP's will e a breeze.

Good job "Desi_r_us"

This is what I do. much easier.

Step 1:
Take a digital photo of the subject with a neutral expression, closed mouth and open eyes. Make sure you capture the entire head against a white or off-white background. (Don't worry about size while taking picture)

Step 2:
Go to www.epassportphot.com and upload your photo to crop, USA or standard size and save your picture.

Step 3:
Print it at local store at you convenience. (6 US size passport photos cost only 12c or less, or 8 Indian passport size photo cost only 12c, or free using coupons)

I am doing this for years, believe me it beats professional photos. (Yes several photo studio professional said so)
You could also buy the Passport photo software for 10 bucks and it'll do everything for you.
Superho said:
WHere would you buy it?
You are online when reading this post, so why not just google it! :)

Here's the first search result from google when "passport photo software" was searched -

Before anyone asks the obvious, of-course there were many other results.

Or, and you can go to walmart or AC Moore, buy a light blue large size sheet of chart paper for 50 cents, then go to CVS (or walgreens) with that paper and a roll of tape, and get the 6 copies of your passport photo taken on blue background for 7.99
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Back to the title - 2c/photo

I liked the "www.epassportphoto.com" site in what it offers, except for a concern of a commercial entity having a copy of the photo (think of your beautiful wife). Perusing thru the Times newspaper link I found this quote:

"....However, the UK Passport Service spokesman issued a warning about the use of passport photo websites, stating that the public should be "aware of a number of difficulties they could encounter" because some website processes "deform the original photo" so runs the risk of "failing to be acceptable to facial recognition systems". Furthermore, applicants are "providing their picture to an unknown organization who could then use that image for ulterior purposes", and with many of the sites being based overseas data protection laws may not apply..."
Source: http://travel.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,19829-1873605,00.html

So, look back at my original post... once you go thru it once, you may itch to make some more for other members... its gets to be a breeze.

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