Successfully landed in Vancouver, but few questions regarding PR card


New Member
Last week my wife and I were successfully landed at Vancouver for Canda PR and we came back to USA.
The officer told us that we need to go to Vancouver office inperson and collect the "PR CARD". He also mentioned that I will be receiving a letter to the address given in Vancouver. The letter will show us the date and time when we can go and collect the PR Card.

Currently my wife is pregnenet and that leads us to the following questions:

1. I can go and collect my PR card alone at Vancouver office, correct?
2. Can I collect PR Card for my wife, with out her appearance at office?
3. Can I ask my wife to go and collect her PR card after the baby is born?
(At the time of landing we told the immigration office that we don't have any kids. Also I did not mentioned them that my wife is pregnenet.)

4. At the time of PR Card issuence will the officer ask her that there are any new additions (newly born baby) in the family? If so will this be a problem? Do we need to declare our new born baby.
(The new born baby will be American Citizen.)

5. Does any body know how long is the PR Card processing taking place at Vancouver?
6. Is there a way we can check the status of our PR Cards....

Experts, Kindly help :confused: your help will be greatly appreciated :) ....
1. I can go and collect my PR card alone at Vancouver office, correct?

2. Can I collect PR Card for my wife, with out her appearance at office?


3. Can I ask my wife to go and collect her PR card after the baby is born?
(At the time of landing we told the immigration office that we don't have any kids. Also I did not mentioned them that my wife is pregnenet.)


4. At the time of PR Card issuence will the officer ask her that there are any new additions (newly born baby) in the family? If so will this be a problem? Do we need to declare our new born baby.
(The new born baby will be American Citizen.)

You have already landed and now are a PR of Canada. So, it's okay once the baby is born after you are a PR of Canada. You will have to sponsor him/her for cdn PR if you plan to return to Canada though.

5. Does any body know how long is the PR Card processing taking place at Vancouver?

No idea - may be others can answer this.

6. Is there a way we can check the status of our PR Cards....

No idea - may be others can answer this.