Successful Interview experience at Houston DO


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Yesterday, I went for interview at Houston DO and it went very smooth. First, I droped off my interview letter in a box and then waited until they called my name. The first Officer took me to a small cubicle and he asked me the six questions.

1. What is rule of law?
2. What ocean is on the west cost of the USA?
3. National Anthem?
4. What event happened on Sep 11th?
5. How old a citizen has to be to vote?
6. --- Do not remember at the moment---

Then He asked me to read "How many senators do we have?" and after that dictated me to write " We have one hundred Senetors"

After answering correctly, I was sent back to waiting area. I waited for about 15 minutes and then was called in for formal interview. The interviewing Officer (a different Officer) was very nice and professional. She introduced herself, and placed me under oath. She went through my application. Asked me about my addresses where I had lived and worked. Asked me about my wife and I told her that she is scheduled next week for interview. She made me sign application and pictures. Since everything was in order, she told me that my application was being recommended for approval. She asked me to wait in the lobby for oath letter. I waited for 20 minutes and a lady came out and handed over bunch of oath letters (N-445) to diffrent people waiting in the lobby by calling their names. Oath is scheduled for Jul 21. The whole process took 1 hour.
Thank you makrida and FinalRound, I passed my interview too but I dont get tha aoth letter, expecting it in my mail.
Congrats! Lynn5033

What did exactly IO tell you after you signed application and pics? Did you have too many trips outside the country?