Stuck in Canada due to Security Clearance


New Member
Went for the third extension of my H1B Visa and the consular officer advised that I have a common last name and I will have to go through a Security Check. The consular was very apologetic and gave his phone number and told me to call after 4 weeks if I do not hear anything.

How much time can it take for Security Checks. I was told by DHS that it will take anywhere between 2 to 6 weeks and the processing times for the security check is also posted on dos website.

Has anyone gone through this agony and how much time will take for the Security Check?
I understand your frustration as I went through the same situation when I was on vacation in Berlin. The consulate made me go through security check and took them 7 weeks to respond. I guess the reason being was because they took my fingerprints and mail them (Yes, by mail) to Washington.

I dont think your case would take that long for simple reason Canada is a lot closer than Berlin. So, if you have not been convicted of any gross crime (drugs, prostitution, robbery, etc), you should be ok.

Good luck!
No Finger Prints - Only a Name Check

I was not fingerprinted the consular said my name was very common and therefore it has to be sent to Washington DC for Security Clearance before the VISA can be issued. Spoke to the consular on Wed. he said that it should come any time and If I do not hear from him in the next 7- 10 days call again to the consulate.
Consulate Info

I was interviewed at Ottawa. It does not matter where you are interviewed because the Visa Consular will check your name to the CLASS database and if there is a possible match the VISA will not be printed unless all the inputs are cleared.