status change


Registered Users (C)
I applied whilst in England for the F1, and then moved over to the US in December ready for the Spring semester which I completed, so that was the last time at school, however I was going to go back to school, I enrolled and worked on campus for the summer.

- I have entered the US a couple of times and each time having a
F1 stamp on My Passport, also they always wanted to see My 1- 20 and F1 forms,

All I want to do is change My status over to a B2 visa then come and go every 6 months,My American Boyfriend suports Me, and I know it would be easier to get married but thats not going to happen for awhile yet!!!

Look forward to hearing your advice
still confused :confused:
Usually F1 students have a 60 day grace period after completion of studies to pack their bags and go home. I assume that would be the case even for dropping out. When exactly you start counting the day is not something clearly laid out by the law. It could be the day you write a letter to the school stating your intention to quit; or could be the registration day for Fall term (if you did not register). If you want to continue to remain in the US, then all you have to do is to file a change of status to B visa in a timely manner. See:
and instructions therein.

Another easy way out is to leave the US and then re-enter with your B visa (you need an unexpired visa for this). Then you would be in B status. But how long you stay in the US on a B visa is up to the inspector at the port of entry. There is a proposal to cut it down from 6 months to 1 month.

Your case is pretty straightforward. Also British Citizens might come under visa waiver for short stays like 90 days?

No need to start a new thread. Just reply to the same thread.
F1 to B2 status

Thanks that was welcomed advice, I also finally got in contact with a Gentleman from the Visa services at the consulate, He was helpful like yourself and said the same about re-entering the country on the valid B2 which is great, I mentioned that would there be a need for evidence of a return ticket & He said that they no longer now really look at tickets as who says that person is going to depart on that flight.
What do you think about a ticket?

Who differcult is it to send the forms in for trancfer of status as for what I can see it looks like it only lets an F1 use one when they want to reinstate themselves at school, have I over looked the matter concerning Myself, plus is it good to file the form over the inernet, is it safe?

So I'm now looking forward in going Up-state & into Canada to see all the leaves change!!!!

Thanking you kindly
The form I-539 is not submitted over the internet. You take a print-out, fill it and mail it. It covers change of many non-immigrant status including from F1 to B2, not just F1 re-instatement (see it more thoroughly although legal documents could be difficult to read).

If you are going to Canada and planning to re-enter on a B2 visa, make sure you get a new I-94 at the border with a B2 status. Enjoy the trip. Update the forum of your experiences at the border so that others could learn.