Stamping Experience at West Palm, Beach, FL


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My wife and I went to get stamped at WPB this afternoon. What an anti-climatic experience!

I feel like I just earned my hard-fought Bachelors degree and was given the degree in the bathroom! The place is a dump, but it only took about 40-45 minutes for the whole process.

We had our appointments, went through the metal detector and sat down. We were called about 20-25 minutes later, but separately. My guy just took the usual fingerprint and signature twice, but he then asked me for my home address to mail my card to. My wife was not asked for her home address, so her green card is now going to the lawyer, while mine is coming to me directly. Very strange!

Neither of us were asked for our APs or EADs, and we volunteered nothing. We still have them as souvenirs.

They simply took our approval notices and I-94 cards and passports, and called us up again about 10-15 minutes later. That was it.

The lady there was in a bad mood and told everyone so. I pity the poor soul who might have needed an emergency travel parole or anything else from this person as she absolutely chewed out one guy in front of everyone who simply wanted an immigration form.

I have no idea what would have happened if we went only with our print outs of approvals from the web, as our lawyer gave us our approval notices today. We still have not received our courtesy copies in the mail.

The place resembled a funeral home as everyone working there was pretty miserable, no congratulations or anything. Just government employees looking at the clock so they could go home on a Friday afternoon.
Thats how it is i guess in south florida ,ive been 3 times at the miami office waited in line for 8 hours and they treated us like scrap, not only us but almost you said goverment employes that dont care, well congratulations anyway, good luck to you and your wife.
West Palm Beach is an small, easy and less busy office. There may not be any fan fare but do the job very quickly and nicely. Be Happy.

Unfortunataly,we must have a nice smile on our face when we go there for the interview...And sometimes,people there are not very nice!
Just forget them! You are done!Just relax and celebrate!
I can't wait for my interview date anymore....I am dying for it!Even if I get a mad face officer I don't care.All I do care is for my approval!!!!!