SSN, help please


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I have a SSN card without any text "valid for work only with INS authorization" nor "not valid for work".My card does not have any of the above texts but my husband SSN has "valid for work only with INS authorization".We got my green card 28th jan, do i need do go to social security office as well with my husband to get our new SSN(after geern card)????.

Your help would be appreciated, thank you.
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Logically, I would say that you do not need to do anything with your card. You have what you need to have - a normal SSN without any restriction. Anybody else has a different opinion?
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see this message 2 lines below your message and the associated links 4852001 "Debo or others- Please answer" 1/30/02 12:47am

Also people have been having problems when re-applying see JoeF "INS nightmare continues with Social Security cards" 1/22/02 3:26pm for an extensive discussion.

An interesting reading is the following link AmericanWannabe "things to do after approval??" 12/18/01 10:32pm

It may not apply to your situation, however the following discussion talks about the meaning of \'permanent\' as in permanent resident. Sky Sailer "May I have problem returning to US?" 1/19/02 6:07pm
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I think you should because this information is later used for taxes, SS payments and possibly other things.
You need to make sure SS office has your new status as PR.
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I really don\'t think it matters. But there is no harm in going. I am sure the SS office personnel will direct you appropriately. No matter what we say on this forum, the best thing is find out from the horse\'s mouth.
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I would disagreee with your opinion. If a person who was not a permanent resident of US and got SS Card w/o any restrictions printed on it (by MISTAKE ofcourse), must again register with SSA so that they have the alien number (A#) of the new PR. It is noteworthy that you cannot claim for unemployment if SSA does not have A# on the file. Correct me if I am wrong. Thanks
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You\'ll have to go to SSA again when you get the citizenship.
So why do it now and then do it again in 5 years? Wait 5 years
and update your SSA record directly to citizenship level.
Sky Sailer, You might be right!

I do not know, I just wrote my thoughts and solicited opinions of others. To tell you the truth I really do not know how their records are reliable. I also know that the printed restriction has not been around forever, so once upon a time even non-immmigrants were getting regular SSN. A friend of mine has a card without any restriction form times when it was not a policy. She got her GC a 6 months ago and did not change her card.

However, if A# is needed for unemployment benefits, then it is the best thing to call or go to the SSN office and ask.