Speeding Ticket - N-400


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I have one speeding ticket that does not show on my driving record.
I am now filing the N-400 application (marraige based) and wondering which of the following questions in Part D. Good Moral Character do I need to say yes (for the speeding ticket purpose):
15. Have you ever committed a crime or offense for which you were not arrested?

16. Have you ever been arrested, cited or detained by any law enforcement officer (including USCIS or former INS and military officers) for any reason?

Or is there somewhere else I need to mention that?
I only ticked "yes" for D.16 for my single traffic citation. Made no difference at the interview since my adjudicating officer changed it to "no".
I checked yes (I had a half dozen tickets over 30 years), it pretty much was ignored at the interview (Dallas DO). There is a lot of controversy over that question (and no clear guidance). Whatever you do, be comfortable that, in your heart, you are telling the truth.
i wouldnt put simple no arrest traffic citations on there. What i would do is have a copy of that page filled out with the violation and take it to the interview. Let the interviewing officer know that you have a speeding ticket but were unsure if that counted and you have a page filled out that he can use to replace theoriginal if he so chooses. my IO couldnt understand why i checked yes for a simple violatio that i paid, so YMMV