SPAM: ysolong, Are u listening?


Registered Users (C)
How many are in favor of setting up a website with a counter that ysolong clicks every time he prays for us?

I, for one, want to know if he is doing his part in gratitude for all the free advice and support dished out to him earlier.

Alternatively, a thread by ysolong where he can post statistics on his efforts several times a day (much like kashmir's stats) might also work!

What say guys... and ysolong, who has solong been absent since posting the news of his approval? y?
coz ysolong is hunky dory now. He has changed his name to notsolong and has moved to Boston area to discuss some future prospects with the priests here. He things that moving to boston will be a good religious career move.

I have further request if ysolong agrees. If some click ones and he pray one notification of that should also be sent to CSC and the other to the head priest of where he is working.

Head Priest will be happy that notsolong is doing his job and we will be happy that CSC is getting spammed with notifications. nosolong will be happy that he gets to keep his job. Sounds like a win win situation to me....:D :D :D :D
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Open letter to ysolong,


Not so long ago you longed for the green. You craved advice, and it was not long in coming. It arrived fast, and the thread grew, oh so long...

You longed for the sun to stay up long enough for your I-485 to be adjudicated, and you religiously returned to this forum every time you had a query.

I, and 360 other guys, answered your questions, gave you support, and, in a way, also longed for your approval, so you would no longer be stressed out, and feel free to intercede on our behalf...

Yet, now that thine GC hath been approved, thou art no longer visible... no not by a long chalk!

Is it that you need us no longer? Or am I just thinking unkind thoughts, and your euphoria (hangover?) has lasted longer than expected?

If that is the case, will you please demur no longer, coz we can't hold on too long.

We lack the skills and access needed for long range communication, and are rather longing that you might do it for us.

Any chances that we might hear from you before long?

ysolong, O ysolong, y have you forsaken us?

I like you poem ...i hope it was a sounded like one....

anyway i just heard from ysolong and he is doing fine.

Yesterday he joined the BPC (Boston Priest Club) successfully and is part of them now. He also said that he will be visting this forum occasionaly to meet us next year and so on....

he also mentioned that if any of us gets really frustrated with 485 can visit him in the Club and he will set us up nicely and take care of us. he didnt tell how...maybe he will pray for us...who knows...

He said that some nuns are geting 'greatAlong' with 'notsolong'
No hard feeling :) .....

Originally posted by 140_takes_4ever
That was Sensitive of you! :)

Not that your joke wasn't funny! It definitely was, don't get me wrong. Just inappropriate for the moment.

I am deleting all my posts on this thread. Will delete this one too after you read it.
Originally posted by ysolong
I am Jewish ;)



Are you saying Jewish paryers won't work for us?

by E. Grindell

This it
To come from the blazing sunlight
Into the dim quiet of the synagogue
To sit with my grandfather, his thin shoulders
Sharp against his white silk tallith(6).
To hear the murmur of the old men
And the rising, melancholy song of the cantor;
The crying song of God and of prayer.
This is the great warmth, the great at-homeness:
This is he knowledge of belonging;
The loneness merging into a strong oneness.
One lost drop of water finding its way into the sea.
The Torah gleams white and silver, and we stand
Singing and praying,
Our hearts warm with peace,
Our spirits quiet in the quietness of Shabbat.

This is the end of the week and its beginning.
This is the moment of pause
The refilling of the empty vessel,
This is the remembering;
The shared memory of two thousand years
And the shared embarking upon two thousand more.
This is the hearth, the gathering together;
The pain and the joy,
The tears and the gentle laughter.
This is the benign wisdom in an old man's eyes
And the hope in a boy's fresh voice,
The roots into the past
And the arms stretched forward into the future.......

We shall live forever and ever.
We shall wander from land to land,
From nation to nation,
Sometimes driven, sometimes tormented;
We shall suffer sharp blows and many deep-hurting wounds.
But this place will be with us
And this warmth
And this rejoicing.......

For this is the great, the many-faceted, the bottomless Shalom
Originally posted by niladri30
Open letter to ysolong,

We lack the skills and access needed for long range communication, and are rather longing that you might do it for us.


have you tried Verizon?
I kinda got dizzy reading niladri prayer. But what has verizon gotta do with it....?

niladri it was a long prayer but not as long as 485 approval wait....:D :D :D
Originally posted by mygcwaiter100
But what has verizon gotta do with it....?
Verizon has this bloody stupid ad where a guy goes around with a cell phone to check if the guy at the other end can hear him. Supposed to signify that their coverage is excellent! :)
Originally posted by 140_takes_4ever
Verizon has this bloody stupid ad where a guy goes around with a cell phone to check if the guy at the other end can hear him. Supposed to signify that their coverage is excellent! :)

Initially we(employees of Verizon Wireless) also thought that it was a stupid ad. But now we realize how popular it has made our company and also we had an excellent 2002 and the last 3 quarters were super strong. We are kicking the butt of our competitors who have snazzy ads, but are not selling many phones. :D :D When we say that our networks are superior, we aren't kidding. We spend $ 4bn every year on our network.

Besides "Can you hear me know" is used in a lot of shows movies, people at sport events etc..We are getting additional publicity without having to spend a dime :D :D