SPAM: ysolong, Are u listening?

Originally posted by BCIS_Chamcha
But now we realize how popular it has made our company and also we had an excellent 2002 and the last 3 quarters were super strong. We are kicking the butt of our competitors who have snazzy ads, but are not selling many phones. :D :D When we say that our networks are superior, we aren't kidding. We spend $ 4bn every year on our network.

Being a very satisfied Verizon customer, I do attest to the superior network. But I don't attribute the excellent quarters you are having to that bloody stupid ad. Instead, I attribute it to the quality network, and word of mouth from satisfied customers like me! :)

While I see the point in have an ad campaign that drives the brand name in people's head, I still don't like idiotic ads on TV (the carrot top 1-800-CALL-ATT, tops my list BTW). I don't see why a company with a great service can't get out a great ad? Is that too much to ask from an advertisement company? Just look at the Beer commercials! They are so AWESOME! :)

Offcourse you probably have nothing to do with the playing of the ad, but in case you are asked your opinion, don't forget to mention that you know people who hate that ad! And if it weren't for that great service we would cancel just in protest! :)

Cool off. That ad is good. Don't know what you hate about that ad. It gets straight to the point with minimal beating around the bush. Anyway, not all the revenue increase can be attributed to word-of-mouth.
Over the years, the donkey and the elephant have become the accepted symbols of the Democratic and Republican parties. Although the Democrats have never officially adopted the donkey as a party symbol, they have used various donkey designs on publications over the years. The Republicans have actually adopted the elephant as their official symbol and use their design widely.

The Democrats think of the elephant as bungling, stupid, pompous and conservative -- but the Republicans think it is dignified, strong and intelligent. On the other hand, the Republicans regard the donkey as stubborn, silly and ridiculous -- but the Democrats claim it is humble, homely, smart, courageous and loveable.

Adlai Stevenson provided one of the most clever descriptions of the Republican's symbol when he said, "The elephant has a thick skin, a head full of ivory, and as everyone who has seen a circus parade knows, proceeds best by grasping the tail of its predecessor."

This Bush is a different animal altogether, though!
Thanks peeps for hearing me. Good!

I will forward all you comments to the marketing dept. Including niladri30's ass, trunk and bush piece:D :D :D :D
Originally posted by extra_dry_gin
being a smart ass about this, huh?

Don't know if the pun was intentional but I found that hilarious as well! :)

not all the revenue increase can be attributed to word-of-mouth.

You will be surprised at how efficient word of mouth is as compared to ads. Everyone has ads out there, but when someone you know tells you about their personal experience, there is more likely to be a sale. Besides din't attribute all the revenue increase to word of mouth. (If someone bought the Verizon phone on the bases of ads, I would say haven't seen the AT & T ads or the Cingular ones) :) don't you think?
Originally posted by waitingforbreak
There's a LOT of beating about the bush, and on a donkey at that.
In one word, INCISIVE! Still laughing over that one! :) Definitely the joke of the week!

The repartee reminds me of good ole Asterix and Obelix :)
Originally posted by niladri30
It will be interesting to see where else this thread might go ;)

LOL Yeah where is it going? And Adlai was TJE MAN! Wonder what he would make of the R & D now!

Imagine at one point of time there was only one party the Democrats which broke into Whigs and the Democrats-Republicans. The Whigs took the Republican name and the Democrats dropped it. After which came the big ideology shift where the Republican party became conservative and Democratic party became liberal. *SIGH* That should give us hope that BCIS/INS becomes so efficient that lawyers become irrelavent and approvals are a daily business! :)
cool... we've gone from the Heavens to Verizon to donkeys and elephants. It's good to bring the discussion back to par with BCIS' modus operandi.
Now my cut on this piece of cake...after a heavy sesssion of drinking and partying during this past weekend in NYC...

Personally I think that verizon add is kinda funny and I agree it has given lot of boost to the verizon sales however I would rather see a nice babe doing the commercial than seeing a nerdy guy going crazy on cell fones...

Can ya hear me....?????

:D :D :D