SPAM: F-1 student doing amway ??


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I always wondered if the F-1 students doing amway business are violating the rules .. or is it OK to do amway business even when you are in F-1 ?

How about doing amway on EAD ?? any different :D :D
If you're planning to be earning money in US, you have to have employment permission. EAD is good, F1 - probably not for amway, I don't know about it.
However, I strongly doubt that you're in amway business. You've got EB green card meaning that you have a job and no time for amway.
Doing Amway will only aleinate you. People will hide, turnaway whenever they see you. If you plan to lose all your friends then do amway. Amway people are real pests compared to door to door salesmen.

I had this expereince wherein we invited this couple for dinner.. It was time for them to leave and we were tired. They said they remembered something and went to their car and brought this huge bag with all the amway stuff. They bored us to death for another hour eventhough we had indicated before that we are not interested in amway. I found that they did the same thing to a lot of people. Now nobody invites them.
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Chamcha ..

I get that stuff a lot .. hence I started thinking abt this issue a lot ..

I had couple of freee dinners tho .. :D :D
Hey Shantanu, I think it is a wonderful idea to start amway business. However, the fundamental concept behind it is to try to sell useless stuff to friends at three times the price. But more importantly, do you really have any friends?
Originally posted by BCIS_Chamcha
Doing Amway will only aleinate you. People will hide, turnaway whenever they see you. If you plan to lose all your friends then do amway. Amway people are real pests compared to door to door salesmen.
:D ROTFL :D Truer words were never spoken! I have had such terrible experiences that these days when I am in a major departmental store and some Indian smiles at me or tries to strike up even an innocuous conversation, I look the other way and RUN!

Lost a couple of good friends to Amway and the experience has been pretty similar to what you described earlier. :( What is with this cult? Do they brain wash people or what?
Cant resist adding my story about amway...

I was in BestBuys doing some shopping and this nice looking indian girl comes up to me and started chatting...

I was all impressed...thout it was a lucky day or what....after 2 min of talking to her a kids came up to her and then a man ( her kid and husband)....i thout better get the hell out of here...but he started getting friendly too...

the next i heard they invited me for dinner and say we are starting our own business....i got the idea what the hell they were talking seemed like i got amwayed .....told my friends and everyone had a good laugh.......
Originally posted by 1amShantanuA
I meant doing amway in Practical training EAD ??

OPT (Optional Practical Training) is meant for work in the same field in which you graduated. Hence, legally you cannot do Amway stuff when you're on OPT.

Amway is a disease - It is a curse

I know one couple who are heading for divorce because of Amway

The husband is mesmerirized by Amway and is away from his house very often and because of this the couple are heading for divorce

Try Amway if you want but have a deadline - If you are not able to make money (keep account of time spent and calculate at minimum wages and also expenses like petrol etc etc)

If after 6 months you are unable to make money then leave it

I challenge anyone who has started Amway business in the last 2 years and made money to come forward

This is a pyramid scheme and only a few people who started it have made money in the Euphoria stage.
At Arizona State univ, 80% of the students do AMWAY..

Let me give you my personal opinion and experiences also in this regard. This friend once asked me to attend a meeting which happens to be in San Jose, CA. I attended one just for the heck of it in my free time. Man, I feel that its like a master monkey performing and bunch of monkeys sitting in front of him and praising to whatever he says...He says that in his initial days, he literally spends all his weekends and most of the week days standing in front of places where Indians frequent most, talk to them. He was explaining all the tactics of how to present urself to strangers, and how to make it sound like easy money, how to woo them into it....blah..blah...I decided that I dont belong there and left, not even worth my free time, and I wud rather visit a Zoo. No offence meant. Whenever you visit some Indian stores, Wal-mart, K-mart, you will see some Indian couples approaching you with big smiles on their faces, mix with you and praise you for no reason. And at the end take your phone number or give their Cards. Some people are even sick that they send their wives to talk to you while they watch from distance and finally they will come and mix with you after a while.....You will see many instances and examples like this. You may even lose your friendship bcos of this.
Does your F- friends know that they should not be doing AMway then . .. ???

I had two free dinners so far with Amway people .. I can give yuo their telephone numbers if you want free dinners in Soutehrn CA .. :D :D :D