SJC Stamping experience


Registered Users (C)
Spouse & I Reached SJC center @ 7 AM...

Went to appointments line - was told rudely by "boss-of-rent-a-mob" (as someone called them) to stand in other line - "You dont have an appt" - this particular chap is exceptionally rude and jarring !!

We joined in other line - Was into building by 8:30 AM

Our token called at 10 AM - Gave all photos/EADs/APs/ I94 to clerk - stamping took just 10 mins...

Clerk said it will take 6 mos - 1 yr to get plastic card...

Out of INS by 10:15 AM

Went to Social security & applied for "cleaned up" SS Card...


Just one question - I thot its "open appointment" for stamping at SJC - and one can go to appointments line if you have approval letter...Is this true?

My other friends reported being let in via appointments Queue...

Either ways - moral of story - dont depend on appointments line...You should have a person standing normal line & try for appt line later on...
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What do you mean by "Went to Social security & applied for "cleaned up" SS Card"? Is that a necessary step?