SJ interview people, still around?


Registered Users (C)
Transferred for interview at local INS office, San Jose on May 7. Still waiting for interview.

I\'ve heard that somebody with transfer in April got interview notice for September. Can somebody confirm this?

For non-interview people: a small percentage of the cases gets transferred to the local office for interview. Do a search for \'interview\' if you need more information.
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Hi ProActive,

I wanted to reply your question in the other thread last
night, but gave up upon seeing the dead-looking board

Anyway, please go to interview list to see the one I
mentioned about whose case was transferred to San Jose
in April and who was scheduled for interview in September.
I will upload his e-mail to Personal Experiences section
later tonight.

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Thanks Ciba! I wasn\'t sure if you replied or not, could not get back to that thread my-self :-(

I saw that you are active on some other boards too, thanks for all the time that you put into supporting people like me.

Take care!

Me too I am so eagerly waiting for this notice. Who receives this notice first. The lawyer or me. Also is it possible to find out the current processsing dates for the SAn Jose office.
