SJ interview club: yet another graduation


Registered Users (C)
Ciba, feel free to post this on your site, if appropriate. Thanks!!!

My I-485 application was approved this morning during the interview. Finally the long wait is over. I started applying for the GC 4 years ago, initially under regular labor certification, then under RIR. My case was transferred to the local office in May 2001 and I got the interview notice in October 2001 (don\'t have the exact dates handy, sorry).

The stressing part of my interview was over in the first 5 minutes. My lawyer and I analyzed my file after the transfer, came up with possible reasons for it and put together a big file to explain them. We have an unusual familial situation, however we were never out of status or otherwise break the law. We sent the file to the INS in September and it was part of the bigger I485 file. The immigration officer told us that it is unusual for EB cases to get an interview. He then proceeded to examine all the papers, explained the reason for the interview and we cleared that issue at once.

We then proceeded with the regular questions: name, birth date, the 3x questions of the I485 file. We spent close to one hour in his office going through what seems to be a regular routine - there is really very little time given how many papers have to be shuffled around.

At one point the officer could not locate a set of pictures and I promptly extracted a backup copy from my file. Later in the interview the pictures showed up.

He took our fingerprints and signatures and stamped our passports.

Overall it was a very positive experience and a nice way to finish our long ordeal. I will support the view of other posters to this thread: if you did not do something illegal and you can keep your job long enough you should not worry about your greencard. Your file will eventually make it to the end of the INS processing pipe. Do all your home work (preparing the file and then the regular follow-ups) and be prepared for various likely/unlikely scenarious, but do not forget to enjoy your life during the wait :)

Quick note: as of November 2001, the first part of the parking lot in the back of the INS office is closed. You may be able to find a parking space in the front of the office, however it is easier to drive to the very next crossing street, turn right and park in the second half of the parking (still open). You then have to walk back to the ins office for a couple of minutes.

Good luck!
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Congrats proactive. Just tell us what are the probable reason to transfer yr case to local Ins Office for interview. It will help other folks to get a clear picture about local transfers
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Thanks for the congrats!

I understand your question and the reasons behind it, however I have to leave the explanation to \'unusual family situation.\' I filled in the details where I was comfortable doing so. This is a public forum, and there are all kinds of postings. Sorry for not being more helpful :-(

Good luck!
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Thanks a lot. Sorry for this. I thought that there may be some other things that may play a major role ( like doing fp 2 or more times and some other unusaul problems )
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Congratulations Proactive.... Enjoy the post green card life....
Thank you very much for keeping this Board alive with your informative posts.... I am waiting for my ordeal to get over soon.

Congratulation, Proactive!! My turn is on Dec 4 in LA Office.

Congratulation, Proactive!!!

Enjoy your new life in the U.S.

Best Wishes And Good Luck to your all!!!
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Over the past months I see less and less of the known poster names from the spring time frame (when I was hoping to get my GC approved). It is good to see that people are moving on. I will probably start to focus on some other topics in a couple of weeks - immigration related knowledge cannot land you a job :)

All my best wishes to all the waiters but specially to the interview people! Hang in there, you will get your GC in the most challenging way possible ;-)

Take care!
I am curious, did the old posters just fade away or did they all post approvals ...

I always wondered whether all the people who wait with bated breath and who post their details while waiting really post their approvals or do they just melt away from this board and all matters immigration once they are approved.
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From what I have seen people posting useful information or otherwise trying to help others also post their approval.

It\'s interesting to see how the names change on the board.

Of course ciba has been around for ever :) One of the greatest persons I met on the net.
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Congratulations, ProActive. I am very happy for you.
Perpahs we will see each other in five years when we
apply for citizenship?? :)

Congrats Proactive \(^o^)/```

Congratulations Proactive!!

And thanks for keeping this interview related post more active and informative. I really appreciated your time and work at this board.
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Thanks for your support over the past year. Your messages helped me tremendously in the last part of my GC wait.

Good luck!
Congrats, ProActive!

I\'m so glad that you could finish the GC process as a happy ending.
No more members came in since I joined \'SJ Interview Club\', but Interview1 and you left.
Looking forward to Unluckywaiter\'s approval next week,
I\'ll be still keeping \'the Club\', waiting for new members, until I\'ll be leaving.

Cograts again and have great days!