Sibhra - Did your wife recvd the FP notice


Registered Users (C)

Did you recvd. the FP notice for your wife. Please keep us updated as to what course of action you are planning to take.

Do you plan to take your wife and try to get the fingerprinting done by explaining at ASC center that you both applied together and only reason you can think of your wife not getting the notice along with you is either it got lost in the mail or for some reason the national scheduler software has no way to figure out that the dependents FP notice should go out with the Primary applicants notice.

I have seen, in the last couple of days, couple of such type of cases. Is anybody planning to try the above thing or does it sound useless.
Not yet...


We did not recv FP notice for my wife yet....
I checked with the attorney and they have not recvd for either of us.

We faxed an enquiry for wife's FP after talking to an IIO.

I am not sure if we can go without the FP notice to FP center.

Advise if you have more information.

Is there aproblem in going for FP

at different times for you and your spouse ???

I presume it is OK.

Please advise if any one did it .