Should only one of the two spouse apply for naturalization


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We are Indian citizens and are applying for naturalization. Someone was advising us that it is better for one of the spouse to retain Indian citizenship and the other to apply for Us Citizenship.

any suggestions.


Unless the one spouse is thinking of contesting elections, getting a govt job or voting in India there is really no reason why both should not get US citizenship. You can always get an OCI after you get naturalized and that gets you just about all rights in India except those mentioned above.
It depends on what your reasons are.
We thought it was best for the whole family to get the same passport (US) even though we now live in India.
With OCI, it is easy to get back Indian citizenship ... after 5 years with 1 year stay in India.
With same passport, the travel / visa part is consistent. No need for one person to use visa waiver everywhere, and the other person applying for passports (although GC works in some countries).
No risk of one spouse dying (sorry morbid thoughts) and then the other one unable to get back to US easily if the GC was lost because of staying away from US.
There are tax consequences, but they will be the same whether you have GC or USC.
The other main reason is if one spouse really wants to get a govt job in either country. In India, you will not get a govt. job without Indian citizenship, and in US the security check agencies will find it weird that the spouse is not American.