Sept interview: when should I leave ?


Registered Users (C)
Hello folks,

My CP interview is scheduled for sept 19th in mumbai. I would like to know how early should I arrive in mumbai. I understand that I need to do the medical tests but not sure how long that takes. So is 1 week enough or should I arrive earlier.

Also, is there an appointment needed for doing the medical stuff ? What are the other formalities that I would need to take care of once I reach mumbai ? I already have my PCC from indian embassy in SF .

thanks for responding.
1 week is plenty.

We arrived in Chennai 2 days before the CP and got everything done in 1 day. Appointments are very desirable, especially if you don't have much time. Browse the forum for the detailed procedure/ CP experiences.

hi immi-q,
how did you find out your interview date? do you know a phone number to call at mumbai consulate?
also, could you please tell when your case was sent by NVC to the consulate. thanks,
Hi Rajeev,

The medical form says "you should allow atleast 3 business for the medical exam befor IV appointment and atleast 2 Business days for Doctors appointment before IV interview date"

The key word here is "Should" not "Must". I would like to know opinions from experience CPers like you and Raju..

As you said earlier, you went to chennai two days before the interview date. I know that everything can be done in one day.

My interview is on Wednesday - I want to leave US on Thursday and complete my mediclas on Saturdy. Do you think I am having enough buffer for the process?

Let me know your opinion. I may also send an email to Consulate.

Re: immi-q

My packet 3 was posted to mumbai consulate on may 19th. I didn't have to go via NVC cause my I-140 was cleared 2 yrs ago (I sat on my decision a long time :)).

I would suggest you call up the consulate on regular basis to check your application status. The number for mumbai consulate is 2363-7408 and 2363-7407. You'll need to call up between 2-4 pm(Indian time). It's difficult to get thru but keep trying.

Originally posted by zzzz_1976
hi immi-q,
how did you find out your interview date? do you know a phone number to call at mumbai consulate?
also, could you please tell when your case was sent by NVC to the consulate. thanks,
The 3 business day rule...

is just to allow the doctor to order and obtain any additional tests before preparing the medical report. That will be an issue only if you have an abnormal chest xray or indeterminate HIV test etc. Even if you get stuck in that quagmire and don't have a medical report, you could theoretically attend the interview and on a later date take the report to the consulate to get your visa. So, don't worry about this issue.
here is the response i got from consulate

"You can do it any time but you should bring the result on the day of teh interview."