Sep 2000 RD Approved


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Just heard from a friend playing poker last night, that some friends of hers get approved for the Sep 2000 RD/ND period in Detroit, they did finger print in May, 01.

Sounded like INS is trying to push that "official Day" forward again with tons of March/April still pending.

Can any one confirm those kind of rapid approval?
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Hello thanks for the Information, but could U please ask your friend to post all the details here, like PD
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yes the information is correct........... one of my friend who is also in detroit got his approval.....
his details are:
RD/ND......... sept 2000
FP................. May 18 2001
AP................. June 2001
I am trying to understand why he got approval so fast when some of my friends with RD in March 2000 are still waiting theri approval.
His case is not "age-out" case.........
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I have seen in the past NSC sometime approved simplest of simple
cases more rapidly. They do a scan all cases to get a report
of all simple cases and approve them no matter where the
current processing is. I think these cases may fall in that
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A couple of my friends in the Detroit area got their approvals too.
Here is the info. for one of the cases:
   PD: 10/97, RD: 3/30/00, FP: 3/14/01, AD: 6/27/01.
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Please don\'t post rumours here. Please keep the discussion based on facts such as PD/RD/ND/LIN/FP etc.

I am of the view that early July ND are being worked now. For facts , please see
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It is not a rumor, I did talk to a friend, who said his friend got approval whose RD is Sept with ND Oct. He was surprised, but seems like the guy\'s Wife\'s went to Local INS.

His thinking was that somehow the application was placed ahead of others accidently and so he got approval. But seems like if there are few others, it must be a case of one or two officers working real good. I wouldn\'t think much of it since My RD and ND are Sept, and I am not going bank on my stuff getting done anytime before September.
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Cool, so it is real.

Back in March, INS all of a sudden start dealing cases from Nov 99 to May 00. It is the same logic here. Guess what the G.D. official 485 date is going to be for this month? Sep 00. Who cares how many March/Aprilee are still waitting. As long as the Official day looks good, INS can spare their asses of being spanked.

I would say your case should be approved in 2 months, D_waiter.
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Well who knows with INS. There are several people still waiting as far back as 99. But I did see lot of approvals in last two weeks of June that went back mostly. So maybe there are trying to catch up in NSC.

I guess we should thank for NSC not being like TSC now, since it seems like TSC is totally down for about a month or so it seems.
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To have feel good factor, its okay to compare with TSC.
But, CSC and VSC are doing really good. May be CSC down now,
but they did better 2 months back.
So, life goes on by looking at good news and hiding bad news.