Scared We Won't Pass Interview Sept. 1


New Member
My husband and I filed in December of 2003. We finally have an interview and it is on Sept. 1, 2005. I am a U.S. citizen.

Back when we filed I had a good job, etc. Now I have a real estate license (unsalaried work), am working as a temp on call (no set schedule) and when I don't have temp work, I get Unemployment Insurance.

I was reading over the interview notice and it seems they want updated information pertaining to the affidavit of support. How is this going to play out now? I don't have any guaranteed employment now.

It also seems that they have 2 lists of things to bring (1) things you HAVE to bring and (2) "other" things to bring. What is that all about? Should we only bring the HAVE to bring documents and avoid bringing the "other" documents to try and avoid the question of my lack of employment? Should we try and postpone this interview until after I have another job?

My husband has a job that is commission based with a $2K a month draw. I have a real estate license, but that is only commission based and I haven't made a sale in the past 3 months. I either do temp work or get unemployment insurance.

I don't know what to do now. Can they reject everything on us now? Does that mean we have to refile the case and start all over again after I get another job?
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I was wondering if you had your interview, and how it went.
Hope everything went super fine! :)
I'd love to hear about it!