RFE on Birth Certificate - Help requested!


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today both of us reveived RFEs in mail... Please find the details below, I request you guys to give your valuable suggestion how to anser this RFE and what other extra evidences shall we enclose along with the reply. Looking forward for all your valuable suggestions. Thank you in advance.

details of RFE:

the Birth certificate you submitted is registered in 1998 and is considered a late registered document. This document is not considered valid unless secondary evidence is used to support the birth certifivate.

submit the following evidence to verify the birth and parentage of ....

if the person named above has completed grade 10 or higher, please also submit a photocopy of their education board certificate.

it a birth certificate does not list the names of both mother and father, or child, secondary evidence must besubmitted to establish parentage. secodary evidences include, but is not limited to copies of medical: medical records, school records, census records, government-issued identy cards, religious records and / or affidivates from at least two persons alive at the time of birth. the oldest available evidence that lists the names of both parents should be submitted.