Reasons behind the denials


Well-Known Member

I would give a king's ransom if I could find out the reasons behind the 83k+ applications for naturalization that were denied in 2017. Or the 100k+ denials in 2009. That is the cynic in me. But the optimistic in me looks at the approvals...~72% in 2017.
Reasons would certainly be interesting. Judging by forum posts, a lot of them are people who didn’t know or didn’t check properly the continuous residence/physical presence requirements.
I think what I come to understand when I look at these numbers, is that a denial is a normal outcome, NOT an exception. Denials happen all the time and that is a normal thing. But when I see posts of denials here, most of us are treating denials as an exception, something not normal. More than 1 million denials over the last decade or so say otherwise. Most importantly, the million plus denied people surely re-applied and got approvals...which theoretically means a denial is not the end of the road?