Question about a recent approval


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A friend, who is now in India, got his 485 approval and passport stamped last week after local interview. He had RD and ND later than mine. Mine is July 16, 2002. We both work in the same company.

How does one get local interview? Any explanation as to how this would have happened? I will ask for more details when he is back.
Local Interview

There could be a number of reasons as to why his case was transferred to the local district office. I am sure your friend will be able to pinpoint the reason for you. Some of the well-known reasons for local transfer are:

1- Marriage during the process of I-485
2- 245(i)
3- Suspicious documents/employer
4- Past immigration violations/issues

I hope this helped.


A question for you...

I filed 485 for my wife 5 months after we got married, so I should expect my case be transfered to a local office? Why? What docs we need?

Here are my dates:

RD Sept 2001
ND Oct 2001

RD June 2002
ND July 2002

Thanx for your help.

Getting married while waiting for I-485 approval does not guarantee an automatic transfer of the case to local district office. Although a significant number of candidates experience case transfer, there are cases where local transfer did not occur. I personally know a person who exchanged vows while he was waiting for his I-485 approval and did not have his case transferred to local office.

In case BCIS decides to transfer your case to the local office, there is a list of document attached to some posting in this forum. Mainly the documents that you want to carry with you are:

1- Marriage certificate (Both Authentic & Translated)
2- Proof that you are living together with your spouce
- Lease
- Bank Account
- etc
3- Any other evidences/documents/pictures that would prove that the marriage is valid
4- Tax papers
5- Employment letter

The list is pretty long but I just wanted to give you an idea as to what a BCIS officer may expect you to bring to the interview. I hope you get approved without going through the hassle of **LOCAL TRANSFER**
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Your friend would be better person to answer your questions. Also update this forum about your friend's case details.

Thanx for your input...

I appreciate it. I really hope that I will avoid this 'local transfer' step all together....I want this looooong wait over soon and hopefully it is well worth it...:eek:
This friend is going to get married to a US citizen (for which he has gone now). But it appears like he never mentioned that to BCIS (and why would he, when he hasnt married yet?)

Will update when I know more details.
sallyseattle, do you believe your friend?

he could very well be giving a b.s. Until your friend tells you seriously or he is the type who never lies to you, it is hard to believe. You need to judge him yourself and make sure he is not a kind who bluffs one day and goes off and marries someone the next day. I am cautious on this before I believe on this. Nebraska is know to approve one or two cases just for a kick, so it is not