Q for LA Interviewer Re:Room Number


Registered Users (C)
I\'m going to take my interview at room 6024 on Dec.7 and today I had a meeting with my attorney.

Regarding to my attorney, room 6024 is the most tough room to get interview. The room 6024 usually handles marriage fraud and other intricate case.

Any information regarding room number at LA is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
No Title

I do not have any information about LA interviews. It seems to me that the number of interviews in EB cases has been increasing recently and I am not sure you can use the previous clasifications to predict how a particular interview will go.

If you are married may be this was the easiest way to handle your case, putting it on the desk of some experienced immigration officer.
Thanks for your reply to ProActive

I have filed my case EB3 under 254(i), and I should not worry until my interview day arrive...

Thanks for your advice ProActive.