Processing TPS these days, approvals should be faster after 1/28/03

Jinnah M

Registered Users (C)
My Laywer, one of the biggest Immigration Firms in New England, called VSC last week.

She was told:
Security check procedures with FBI are all set
Computers have been upgraded
Most off the officers are taking care of applicants in Temporary Protective Status (TPS).
They have to finish those cases by 1/28/03

After that most of the Officers will start taking other cases like ours.

So my hope is that flood gates will open later next week.

This is the info I have, its up to you to take it or leave it
Special category (iguess)

I have no idea what TPS is,
its some sort of a special category of people in INS
TPS? It must be the classification for some sort of amnestied-illegal immigrants. People who get special preferred treatment over us law-abiding white-collar "suckers".

Instead of running after advanced college degrees and H-1Bs and Labor Certs etc, I should have jumped the border in Tijuana back in the day and just run run and run like those dudes.
Thank for info.

It seems to make sense, especially in light of what the IIO told me yesterday and the fact that funding for asylum seekers and TPS runs out.
It's a good confirmation.

Well, let's hope....

I guess is for the Nicaraguan or Salvadoran refugees whose lives were devastated by a massive hurricane that stuck the region about 3 years back. Just a guess based on some thing I read somewhere ( I do not remember where).
Sierra Leone
El Salvador

What is Temporary Protected Status?

Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is a temporary immigration status granted to eligible nationals of designated countries (or parts thereof). In 1990, Congress established a procedure by which the Attorney General may provide TPS to aliens in the United States who are temporarily unable to return to their homeland because of ongoing armed conflict, environmental disasters, or other extraordinary and temporary conditions.

is Temporary Protected Status...

Guys check this out: part of our fees payed for TPS and asylum applicants, and the INS shifts officers to take care of them first.

But seriously now, some of the TPS, asylum etc. are people in real, real big trouble (bigger than what we are in!)...You should not feel bad, we have all done a good thing, and regardless of whether you are Hindu, Muslim, Christian or atheist, a good deed should bring you something good in return. I hope this will make feel better...don't be angry at me !
Good point RAV8tor,
Most of us are here in a fairly good lifestyle complaining about not getting Green Cards. These people are living in fear of their lives and in extreme poverty.

WhereZGC, would you like to be living in the Sudan or Congo right now? Probably not. At least look up some facts before making a post like you did. It has absolutely nothing to do with people crossing the border illegally. In fact I know a teacher who came here on TPS. She is probably doing something at least as beneficial to society as you.

This kind of supports what I said earlier that with the end of funding for these special statuses they are trying to work through those cases and then they can't work on them until some new funding stream comes through. Someone posted back in December that an IIO had told them that; but there was no other evidence to support it. Perhaps that was one of the best pieces of info that slipped through the cracks.
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Look at it this way

Guys Look at it this way
According to Rupnet there are 25 approvals from VSC this month.

That is a lot more than DEC and NOV combined.

And Jan isn't over yet, and there were 2 holidays in Jan as well.

So at least VSC has started approvals. And Transfers, and RFEs

As long as it keeps moving its will be best for all of us.

We have been through a lot.
As they say the Elephant as passed only the tail is left.

At least we all have Valid Immigration Status here.
There are so many people moving to Canada,
because they do not have valid status in USA.

So lets just relax, and wait for the approvals.

In my mind I am preparing for a Local Transfer.
I think will be the longest wait of about another 6-8 months
If I approved before then, it will be very pleasant bonus.

Sorry to mount the soap box here.

But we all are very close
TPS is a conundrum - turns out due to civil war there may not be a recognized government in a certain country. In that case you cannot legally deport/extradite a person since a recognized goverment has to receive that alien ( i.e. can't deport someone to a warlord). So TPS was created so that these folks can be safe till diplomatic relations are created. Humanitarian policy , but burden to taxpayers.