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Private Bill to allow 22000 selectees to get their status without using 50,000 DV visas


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Bill to allow 22000 selectees to get their status without using 50,000 DV visas

We should consider finding a congressman to sponsor a bill to allow the winners of DV-2012 to get their Lawful Permanent Status. This would allow the 22000 winners an opportunity to go through with the immigration process, not taking up the 50,000 diversity visas allotted to the Diversity Visa lottery. Anywhere from a few dozen to more than a hundred private immigration bills are introduced each session of Congress, though most don't go anywhere, according to a report by the Congressional Research Service.

This however is a very big event published in almost every news source worldwide that I came across that seriously embarrassed the United States government and the only way to rectify this situation and restore public confidence in the immigration system would be to pass a bill similar to a private bill for immigration for this emergency. That way the world will not think the US is this cruel to just shatter 22000 people's dreams. It is un-American.

During the past year, Congress passed 17 private immigration bills granting permanent residency to a small number of individuals. Private bills are a rare form of relief from immigration laws and are generally reserved for the most compelling cases. In the legislative process, private bills are treated like any other law, going though the committee process to a vote by the full Congress. However, getting a private bill introduced is not easy. The immigration subcommittees in both the House of Representatives and the Senate have detailed rules on what is required for the introduction of such a bill.

The most essential step in obtaining a private bill is, of course, finding a member of Congress willing to sponsor the bill.
Following the introduction of the bill, information about the person it will benefit needs to be supplied to the chair of the immigration subcommittee by the member of Congress sponsoring the bill. The procedure from there is much the same as it is with other legislation.

To learn more about bills see


Here is the list of e-mail addresses for members of Congress

also write to

Peter A. Schey (Cal. State Bar #58232)
Carlos Holguin (Cal. State Bar #90754)
256 S. Occidental Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90057
Telephone: (213) 388-8693 ext. 304
Facsimile: (213) 386-9484

Send a copy of your letter to these pro-immigrant Civil Rights organizations. They can lobby for 22,000 real winners.
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chamele0n, while I understand how hard it is to let go, if I were you, I'd simply move on. What you have proposed is not only improbable but simply IMPOSSIBLE. First, no congressman will take on the case of an alien. Second, the House is in the hands of the Republicans who are agains the program to begin with....if they could they would vote to kick out those who already have a GC from the lottery. Clearly, you have no idea how politics works in this country. Finally, I am sure that those private bills were intended for a limited number of individuals, perhaps a hundred or so in total...not 22,000!!! Calm down and come to your senses.
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From the your post, I understand you are pretty upset, you need to think like American, this is American way which is THE RIGHT WAY,if it is not done fair, it has to be re-done. Just wait for July 15!
Is it not enough that EVERYONE will now have a FAIR and EQUAL chance in the next drawing? Are we really so bent on achieving something temporarily given in ERROR? C'mon man, this is really getting ridiculous.
Here is the list of e-mail addresses for members of Congress
and here is a sample letter - how to write to them

Nov 28, 2006

Senator Edward M. Kennedy
Massachusetts Office
2400 JFK Building
Boston, MA 02203

Dear Senator Kennedy:

My name is XXX and my wife’s name is XXX. I am a research associate at XXX University. I am writing to request your kind assistance in our Permanent Residency (I-485) application with the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

I filed “Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker” (I-140) in March 2004, which was approved in April 2005, and I filed “Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status” (I-485) for my wife and me in July 2004.

Recently I inquired USCIS at Vermont and was told that our applications are still pending due to background check. The process has been over 2 years and 4 months in total and now everything else is ready except the FBI name check. The delay will adversely affect US interest for the reasons of: 1. I am actively involved in Harvard University’s biology research efforts, I am unable to apply for several grants that require permanent resident status; 2. The delay might indirectly assist other real dangerous people since they might take the advantage of lengthy delay to lawfully stay here.

Senator Kennedy, we are asking you for the following help:

1. Look into our cases at USCIS VSC, and have the immigration officers confirm the security check requests have actually been sent to the proper agencies and when;
2. Look into the corresponding agencies and have them to explain to you what exactly bogged down our cases;
3. Urge the corresponding agencies to expedite (or rather, not to further delay) finishing our security checks;
4. Urge the corresponding agencies to expedite sending the security check results back to the USCIS VSC;
5. Urge the immigration officer at USCIS VSC to expedite adjudicating our cases.

Below is our case information:

Name: XXX
I-485 Receipt #: XXX
Alien #: XXX
Name: XXX
I-485 Receipt #: XXX
Alien #: XXX

Thank you very much. We look forward to your help. Please contact me at XXX or email me at XXX if you have any questions.

Your address here ….
Is it not enough that EVERYONE will now have a FAIR and EQUAL chance in the next drawing? Are we really so bent on achieving something temporarily given in ERROR? C'mon man, this is really getting ridiculous.

No, it is not enough. People were given CASE FILE NUMBERS and were told they won. Many who had low numbers got married, sold property, and quit their jobs. Others on non-immigrant visas in the US already filed their applications for adjustment of status. If you are on an F-1 visa in the US and file for the DV application, this is INTENT TO IMMIGRATE in violation of your NON-IMMIGRANT status. Hence, it invalidates your F-1 or other non-immigrant visa. These people will lose their status and may become illegal or ineligible to continue their studies in the US due to the incompetence of DoS. IS THIS FAIR TO YOU???

People who were hurt and officially promised something -- i.e. FURTHER PROCESSING IN DV-2012 (NOT A GREENCARD!) should be given that or compensated in some other way. Period.
Many who had low numbers got married, sold property, and quit their jobs.
Are you serious? You may be denied visa for a hundred of reasons. NL1 is merely notification, not a document. Whoever sold property based solely on website printout is an idiot.

Others on non-immigrant visas in the US already filed their applications for adjustment of status.
You can't file for AOS until October 2011 - that's when FY2012 starts. If someone filed AOS already - he's an idiot.

If you're talking about DSP-122 - those will be discarded and not entered into the system.
No, it is not enough. People were given CASE FILE NUMBERS and were told they won. Many who had low numbers got married, sold property, and quit their jobs. Others on non-immigrant visas in the US already filed their applications for adjustment of status. If you are on an F-1 visa in the US and file for the DV application, this is INTENT TO IMMIGRATE in violation of your NON-IMMIGRANT status. Hence, it invalidates your F-1 or other non-immigrant visa. These people will lose their status and may become illegal or ineligible to continue their studies in the US due to the incompetence of DoS. IS THIS FAIR TO YOU???

People who were hurt and officially promised something -- i.e. FURTHER PROCESSING IN DV-2012 (NOT A GREENCARD!) should be given that or compensated in some other way. Period.

You have made several points in this post, let me address them.

Firstly I find it very hard to believe that in 5 days people took such drastic actions in their life based on a preliminary selection for further processing. That was not smart and cannot be placed at the feet of DOS.

Secondly, for the folks who submitted their forms, I believe that because DOS does not consider them winners anymore, these papers will just be shredded and not entered into any system so as to affect their non immigrant status. If this is not the case and neither you nor I will know for sure, then this will indeed be UNFAIR and UNJUST.

DOS, it appears, believes that an apology for the inconvenience and a unbiased chance at being selected again is in fact sufficient compensation for those erroneously told that they were selected. Compensation for courier services etc could be worked out I guess.

How I see it DOS had a decision to make, on one hand, you had the selectees who would be hurt and disappointed, on the other hand you had the applicants who were denied an equal chance at being selected, also hurt and disappointed. DOS, it appears, concluded that both groups have equally valid reasons to feel cheated and decided that the best course of action would be to scrap the faulty result and re-draw without bias or favour.

For what it's worth I am truly sorry that this happened to ALL concerned.

These are all my personal opinions of course based on the facts presented in the press release.
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Well we can at least try to do something right? And it was not 5 days of believing we were winners, it was 13 days. It were two very emotional days. First the winning part, and then finding out that all the plans you made (yes you do think about what you will do after you get the card) go up in smoke. I agree with the redraw, I just wish there was something that could be done for the people that feel so terrible right now.

Pray to win from a due process, since it was reported by the department of state that the puter selected in error. If its ur time u will still be among the july 15 winners. I advice you stop the petition or lobying cause it may not work.
why is everyone now so afraid and everyone is tellis to stop complaining. all the ones who did not win before... they complained and they got something. the ones selected were selected randomly. maybe there was a mistake but still it was lottery and randomly. no rights were given yes but at least he selected ones should have the rights to continue the process not to start from the beginning. you can not punish people just because you made a mistake.
well, before the loser kept complaining, now the winner keep complaining & the losers tells them to stop why? Everyone own interest... coming july 15 (while i do believe some thning will happen because they could just pull a redraw right away, it do not take 2 month for launching a computer program when everything is ready in term of validating the entries & setting the task... & erasing case number takes just minutes, they just need to erase the Dv data... so them taking 2 months show that they are still thinking, & i do not think they got the descision of voiding the result on friday, they may have got it way before but were thinking & the keeping the case number show that things can still change, who knows... at the end of the day, the dv 2012 will be remebered as a complete mess
no one would said anything if they would have kept the 22000 or what ever who won. because they were selected randomly. and if they would have given the other ones a second chance.... this way they messed up everyting. they made the ones who won once mad, they go trough the whole process again, they made people angry who do not have their confirmation number anymore... it is just a huge mess... they have to do something about it.
Guys, i think this is LOTTERY, imagine that you have won 300 million dollars and when you want to pick up your money they told you, Ops!!! we are sorry but our algorithm did a mistake, we appologize for the mistake and wish you the best of luck in your next try !!!

THIS, DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE GUYS, if they did a mistake then they assume the consquences of their fault!!! it is lottery, i got my letter printed to move on and process it, and don't blame me for being selected incorrectly.
@chamele0n : I agree with you friend, is there a way i can help in your idea to make that private bill?

Thanks. Just get people to explain the situation and notify Congressmen in the format of post #5 above. Post #5 also has the e-mail links to all Congressmen. I think any Congressman that suggests a law to resolve this year's mess will look like a hero because this DV situation embarrassed the US all over the world in newspapers.
@chamele0n: Ok friend, I can even send FAX to them no problem what you think?

Listen Please help me to make a letter-template that represent all the ignored 22000 applicants that were selected and i'll send FAX to all senators in all the States
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@chamele0n & direstra1ts: Can I help in any way? Perhaps the template can be shared with the members of the growing facebook group US Green Card Lottery DV-2012 - 22,000 winners can't be ignored, and asked to send letters to the congressmen?
Just a thought, I hope I can be of help.
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I will adapt the template posted earlier and share with you tomorrow.

I wrote this at CNN iReport earlier today:
