PP Stamping After 485 Approval - is that Required ?


Registered Users (C)
Is it required that one stamps the PP after the 485 approval ? OR one can just wait for the physical green card to arrive ?
If you don't go for stamping then you will have to wait forever for the plastic card. No offense, but the question itself is somewhat dumb.
Mr.Sujay - Why ?

Why will one have to wait forever ? You preferred not to clarify that . Is it a rule that the PP needs to be stamped ? Since my question is dumb and your answer is smart - can you quote the rule ? If you know the answer then just provide it and such comments are uncalled for in such a forum.

Better luck next time ...

Yes, you need to get ur PP stamped in order to get the actual plastic GC. I beleive one need to sign the form and verify the address at local INS office so that they can order the card for you.
Without going to PP stamping, INS can not have finger print of your index finger (I guess they somehow can't use the print of index finger from your I-485 FP process). This print is printed on and is required for plastic card. In addition, they need your signature on I-91 form - this also is done during PP. Minor children need not go to PP though. I don't have web URL of the exact law - may be your attorney can help.

Best wishes,


Disclaimer: Personal non-legal point of viw only.
Not yet, Xiu! I applied for my wife's PCC in India from the area police station where foreigners' registration is maintained - she was registered as a foreigner at this police station. I will have someone in India follow up this matter. Meanwhile, next week my wife will be visiting personally Indian and Russian consultes in NYC. In worst case, even a letter from Indian consulate saying that "PCCs are not issued to foreign passport holders outside India" should be OK - I guess. If we feel that matter might get too complicated, then we would continue with AOS and forget the idea of going for CP. Let's see - will update the CP forum if we could get PCC. Thanks for your concern, Xiu.

Best wishes,

All - thanks

A friend of mine lost his passport a day after he got his 485 approval notice in the mail. I guess he has no other option but to wait till he gets his new passport ....

Thanks again for the clarification.

Actually there was a confusion created by NSC, which had in its 485 approval notice stated that the applicant will receive the GC in mail by xx days. No mention of PP stamping. [See Also murthy.com for a news item on this... initially I didn't believe this from my friend but murthy.com confirmed it...]