Please help me with my wife's I-485 RFE


Registered Users (C)
Hi, all---

My wife got a RFE as below. We were married in Idaho in 1999. However, at that time, we did not know how to deal with the marriage procedure. We did not go to a church and did not get a marriage certificate. We only got a marriage license.

After I graduated from my school, I found a job in another state. My wife is still studying in our previous school. So, we currently are living separately in different states. We have one child.

Does anybody get a similar RFE or have any good suggestions? Possible to get a marriage certificate without doing a ceremony and after several years of marriage?

Thanks in advance!


1. To establish the relationship you claim with the principal applicant, XXXXXX, you submitted a copy of your marriage license. The Service requires a copy of your marriage certificate which has been registered with the proper civil authorities of the state in which you were married. Therefore, submit a copy of your marriage certificate, which has been registered with the proper civil authorities.

A review of the service's electronic records indicates that your spouse, the primary applicant, is not residing with you. As you are seeking a benefit as a derivative it must be determined that your marriage to him is bona fide.

2. Therefore, please indicate if you are presently residing with your spouse and list the address that you both are residing at

3. If your answer is no, please indicate why and indicate if your marriage to the primary applicant is still valid.