Philly Interview Approved


Registered Users (C)
Hello everyone!
Hanumanji finally got over the interview hump! In some sense it was an anticlimax. I prepared an exhaustive folder with all the certificates and everything, but the interviewer was just not interested. She asked bunch of canned questions about our involvement in crimianl activity/ Communist party etc. and then approved our case. At one point I even asked her to at least take a look at the certificates, to which she candidly replied, "May be after 5 years when you come for citizenship!".

Its a load off! thanks everyone on this message board and immitracker.

How could anyone bearingf the name of the Great God not be approved!!!

Please post details
Case Details

Country of origin: India (off course!)
rd: 2/15/2000
nd: 2/25/2000
fp: Feb/2001
Transfer notice date: 4/25/2001
Approached congressman: 6/2/2001 (response was not encouraging)
Interview notice recvd: 6/10/2001
Interview date: 7/25/2001

Thank you all!