Passport Stamped at Boston INS


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I just completed this last step of my greencard marathon. It\'s the easiest one. But let me describe what it is like in case some people want to know.

We got to there from I-93N at around 10 o\'clock. Parked the car at the government center garage on Sudbury Rd (took a long time to find a space). When we went to the front entrance of the JFK building, they apparently had a false alarm situation and there was a large crowd waiting outside. After everything settled, we entered the building, waited in the line to pass the security system (same as in any international airport). The INS office is right on the first floor at E160. Waited in the line to enter the room, where the male receptionist told us that we should get the finger-print and signature done at the lobby first, but he gave us a numbered ticket so we did not have to wait again.

Went back to the lobby where two officers were taking signatures & finger-prints on a single blank form. Back to the room and filled the form. It was a misake because the form was for the IIO to fill. Went back to the lobby to ask for a redo. Went back to the room to wait. There were about 12 people waiting in front of us. There is small room where you can have your photo taken for $10.

We waited about 15 minutes before our number is called. The lady in the window is pretty nice. She took the passport, the approval notice (courtesy copy), the photo. Then she stamped the passport, wrote some numbers on the passport and then explained that this stamp will serve as temporary greencard. We just need to show this stamp if we need to travel or find a job. The actual card will arrive in 2-4 months.

That\'s it, the end of my greencard journey. Then we left the building to do some grocery shopping.
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My 485 was filed in Nov 1999. Comparing with some speed of VSC recently, my case took a little longer. But I only came to the country in late 1998, so I have no complain.

My details: EB1; China; ND Dec/13/99, FP 03/19/01, RFE 05/07/01. Approved 05/29/01.

Good luck to everyone.
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do you need to take kids also for passport stamping. do they also need photographs. can you go any day of the week.

Thanks in advance.
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We brought our kids with us and his passport was also stamped with the same thing. But they did not ask anything from him e.g. photos, forms or signatures. In his approval notice it only states that his actual card will arrive with 120 days and he was not asked to go for passport stamping.

They open from 7am to 3pm and close on third Friday each month.