Part time job with j1 from non sponsor. Will it lead to h1b application denial?


New Member
Hello all,
I will post briefly my situation and if anyone wants to more details I would be more than happy to provide in a future post.
Very briefly: I have taken the rule for non authorised part time work very lightly and took a part time job as a community college instructor for two semesters, once a week. Now, in my fifth year of j1, my university will file for h1b visa, since my j1 expires in September. I now understand how strict is this rule and that it could lead to denial! I am a PhD biologist, postdoc scholar and all I wanted was extra teaching experience to become more competitive for my future. I have no problem returning all the money that I took back and presume the whole community college thing a volunteer job. The hr and the Dean of the community college told me that if it’s forbidden they will let me know. They didn’t and then I just forgot. Until now that I am extremely stressed about what is going to happen to me. My sole reason was to have a career in academia and now everything is threatened by this.
Does the uscis look into this for an h1b application? Is it possible to change it, deal with it after the fact and not be banned from America for years or denied the h1b visa?
What would you do and what do you think? I now I took it very lightly and I had to be more careful but I wasn’t.. this is not a response that I am looking for.
Thank you all for your attention!