Part time H1B is possible??


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Queation to Great_guru and other expersPart time H1B is possible??

Hi Great and other experts,

I hold a full time H1B visa with an employer. Due to financial crisis, I wanted to do second job....Hence I found an employer to see if he can file second H1B.

Here are my question and need your esteemed input
I searched the forum, but no specific answers i got.

1. First of all can I have second h1B which is partime?

2. I understand that I can not have another fulltime H1B from different employer?. is my understanding correct?

3. If I get a parttime H1B, can I work more or less than 40 hours/week on billable hours?

4. My present employer is American company . And I really really dont want know them that I am working on a part time H1B?

5. My GC first step is about to be submitted under EB-3 from my full time employer. if I go for partime H1B, do I need to inform the lawyer about? ( I dont want ). Does my GC get effected due to this ( I dont want take any chances)

I can talk to the parttime employer, but the desi consultancy is too curious to bring me on board on second H1B as I have 3 projects on hand now with 3 digit billing rates and I want to be more cautious so that I wont run into issues prevention is better than cure...

can you please help me?.

Thanks & Regards,
one friend
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Part time H1

Hi there,

Were you able to find out whether it is possible to have a part-time H1? I am toying with the idea of converting a full time H1 with the current employer to part-time? Do you know if that is possible?

catch220 :)