Out of marraige kids


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I am currently in the thinking about applying for my citizenship, but I am not sure becuase I have a son from outside my marraige ( we were sperated for couple of months, an the girl got pregnant and had the baby). I am currently still with my US citizen wife an she knows about my son.
Would INS ask me to submit a copy of his birth certificate with the application (N-400)?
If not, would they ask for it in the interview.
Would hte backgorund check show that I have a kid.
Finally, would it cuase me problems that I have a son (born in the US) whom mam is not my current wife.

Another question is that we have signed a lease to move to a new house at the beginnign of the new year, when I send my applicaiton shall I use my current address or the new ones (we are moving in about 3weeks)
jj_j_2006 said:
I am currently in the thinking about applying for my citizenship, but I am not sure becuase I have a son from outside my marraige ( we were sperated for couple of months, an the girl got pregnant and had the baby). I am currently still with my US citizen wife an she knows about my son.
Would INS ask me to submit a copy of his birth certificate with the application (N-400)?
If not, would they ask for it in the interview.
Would hte backgorund check show that I have a kid.
Finally, would it cuase me problems that I have a son (born in the US) whom mam is not my current wife.

Another question is that we have signed a lease to move to a new house at the beginnign of the new year, when I send my applicaiton shall I use my current address or the new ones (we are moving in about 3weeks)

Are you paying child support for the kid? You are legally bound to support the kid until he reaches the age of 21. If this was mandated by the courts and you are not doing it, that could be grounds for denial. Even if the mother didn't ask for it (and I would be surprised if not), you need to carefully address this issue -- get an opinion from a competent lawyer.

If the kid is born in the US, he is already a US citizen -- so, I dont think they will worry that much about his birth certificate etc. Having an affair or kids out of marriage is not illegal in this country :)

Wait 3 weeks and send the application with the new address -- INS is pretty quick about responding to the application, so you dont want to loose the mails -- most service centers respond and set up FP appointment etc. within weeks of receiving your application.
You won't be asked for your kid's birth certificate, but you will have to enter his details on your N-400 application.

feuerfrei's point about child support is right on the money.
They will only be concerned about the issue of child support. At your interview just take along proof of payment to avoid future hassles.

My son who is 6 months old currently live with me, we did not go to court or anything. I pay all his expenses. His mom and us (myself and my wife) are in total agreement about raising him. She takes him over the weekend and a lot of times she come to our house and spend time with him.
1. What would happen if I do not list him on my N-400 application?
2. Anyone of you who had kids that are US citizens ever been asked about their birth certificates at the interview.
I would think only time they would ask you for you childs birth ceritificate if you have gotten you GC on marriage based and fiiling on 3 yr rule.I really dont see why officer would be concenrend you had kid out of wedlock.It is normal here and been done for ages...:)10 every day!!
I have got my GC based on marriage for 3 years. When I was reading the INSdocmunet check list for the documents that I need to submit for my citizenship, I found the following:
4. Documents refering to you and your wife (tax returns, bank accounts, leases, mortgages, or birth certificates of children, OR)

Now I have the tax returns, bankaccount, lease agreement, car title .... but I am not sure becuase they said "Or birth certificate for kids"

Thats where my question come into play ..... if I need to submit birth certifiactes of my sons with the application or if they might ask for it during the interview.
If it is marriage based.They will need birth cetificate.I did submit it intially, when I filed .Also keep copies incase they misplaced it.I have copies on entire package kept for interview.
dckaraja said:
If it is marriage based.They will need birth cetificate.I did submit it intially, when I filed .Also keep copies incase they misplaced it.I have copies on entire package kept for interview.

Even if they're not common children, if I am applying based on marriage, do I need to send Children Birth Certificates? Even my stepsons? I'm planning to send the application this weekend, but I don't have my stepson's certificates and my children from previous marriage that lives in another country. Can I send it anyway?
jj_j_2006 said:
I have got my GC based on marriage for 3 years. When I was reading the INSdocmunet check list for the documents that I need to submit for my citizenship, I found the following:
4. Documents refering to you and your wife (tax returns, bank accounts, leases, mortgages, or birth certificates of children, OR)

Now I have the tax returns, bankaccount, lease agreement, car title .... but I am not sure becuase they said "Or birth certificate for kids"

Thats where my question come into play ..... if I need to submit birth certifiactes of my sons with the application or if they might ask for it during the interview.

They are referring to your children inside your marriage with your US citizen wife.
Jane Green said:
They are referring to your children inside your marriage with your US citizen wife.

Every naturalization applicant MUST need to disclose the information about his/her ALL the children s/he ever has, regardless of children were born in current relationship or previous ones, in marriage or outside the marriage. USCIS retains the right to see/check the birth certificate of each child to verify child's relationship with applicant as to child's parent. That's why Birth Certificate for chilren is asked during Naturalzation time because in most cases children automatic get citizenship once parents are natualized.

The another reason to ask for a birth certificate of children is just to make sure that the marriage of the applicant with current US citizen spouse is bonafide. But only if the applicant is filing N-400 based upon 3-year rule than normal 5-yr rule. If somoen has no child in the marriage with US spouse or fails to have Birth Certificate, then s/he could show any other documents to prove the bonafide and continueity of the relationship with US citizen spouse.

Good luck.
Thank you for your reply! I think I'm going to send the application without the BC's of my grown up kids for now, because I don't have them with me right now. I am thinking in getting certified translated copies of them anyway JUST in case they so wish to ask for the proof. Anyway, my two eldest sons aren't eligible anymore for american citizenship because they are over 18. Do I need to bring their translated BC's?
Thank you,