Opportunist Employer- Holding GC but no salary ....Please help


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Dear friends,

My current employer took an advantage of my GC process by cutting my salary unreasonably very low immediately after my I-485 filed but intelligently keeping my salary just $1000 above the figure mentioned in the labor application (that also very low when compare to my skill set and my experience). Finally I got my GC three weeks back. Now I am coming to the bench I don’t think my employer will either pay or layoff me. If they give leaving order/layoff letter I am happy to leave but I don’t think they will do. They will keep me on bench and they will only pay if I am on project. But I am confident I can get same/similar job with better salary. Since the law is not clear (about leaving sponsoring employer immediately after getting GC) I am in a confused state now.

If anyone left/planning to leave the GC sponsoring employer after getting GC please advise me and share your opinions.

Thanks in advance.

Employer bound to pay salary

Your employer is legally bound to pay you the agreed (GC/labor) salary until he lays you off. Good for you if he does not pay you. You may contact the lalabor department a couple of weeks after your pay day. Even a threat would bring forth salary and lay off letter.

Cheer up now you have GC. How about working at Dunkin donald or Mcdonald just for a change,fun and a first hand experience of America.
don\'t budge .. employer must pay or lay off

I am in similar situation, got GC, currently on bench. I am still getting paid, but my employer is bringing on schemes to stop payment soon. I won\'t take it, and ask them to lay off. If not labor dept will be happy to hear from us. No issue if employer lay off - you did not leave on your own. Do not budge to such cowardly acts from employers. They don\'t want to lay off because it will affect their ability to bring people on H1 visa, and increase their state unemployment contribution. Now that we have GC we need to be very firm. Good luck with your job search, I am also trying to get one.
Switch now....

You have started 3 different threads for the same question and everyone\'s answered to their best knowledge and ability - if you are still confused, I think you should go see a lawyer. Trust me, they will also give you the same answer - there is no guideline for when you can change the job.

Follow your instincts and gut feeling and go for a new job...after all, you are \'Gopal\' - no \'Kansa\' (your employer) or \'Shesh Naag\' (INS) can do anything to you to hurt you !!

Good luck !!
Contact labor department. Dont let them get away. They have to pay you or lay you off.

Also contact a good lawyer and get advice.