Ohio SESA Tracker

Ohio labor (LC:RIR) Processing date

Ohio labor (RIR) is processing June 2003 now as of April 16 2004.


Anybody who got their files moved from OH to Chicago in these two months (May and June)? please post.
(1)Date of the receipt in OHIO
(2)Date of moved to Chicago

For my case, the receipt date is Nov 2003, so it is a long way to go
Ohio NON RIR(Regular)

My (Non RIR ) labor was field on 10 Jan 2003. I see ohio non rir dates stuck at Aug 2002 for last few months.

Does anybody has insight on what is going on?

Does anybody whose NON RIR Labor was filed around Jan 2003 got any updates?
OHIO LC moved to where?

This is a message for "Chicago...", not a good one to us. WHich guys knows where our case will moved from Ohio?Not chicago, I guess.

I was told by my attorney yesterday that Chicago Region is preparing for PERM ( which is nowhere in sight ) and Processing of any labor cases with them is on hold. According to him all of the current cases will eventually be routed to some other region, most likely the Backlog clearance centers, which are yet to be created!!

In my case, Chicago's REMAND to EMPLOYER was answered two months back. Now if they have decided to not process the case, what is the sanctity in asking for clarifications, evidence and recruitment effort. I wonder, that whenever anyone looks at it, will the recruitment results hold good? Our lives seems to be on ransom by this whole immigration process.

My OH case receipt date is July 2003, I have been waiting so far silently but now it is .....

They are getting ready for PERM but it is not even ready why are they making us suffer? It is all meant for slowing down the process. Backlog reduction centers will be crowded with applications, many will be lost as well. They have projected them to complete those by 2006, imagine if PERM is supposed to start in June and has been postphoned so many times, what will happen to the backlog reduction centers. They will never be implemented. If you are employment based application how long can you hold the job?

I think those people at the labor dept are getting paid for not working at somebody's expense.
Hi, rest_2004_free

Hello, rest_2004_free

Are you RIR or not? Have you received any news about your case from the state? I think they should deal our case since now is June. (They began the RIRcase of 06/2003 in April)

Mine is EB2-RiR with 2 yrs exp. Ran one ad for a week. even if I had run an ad for 6 months, I still would get RFE I guess. I am in IT. What about you?

I was following the Ohio SESA website quite religiously back in March/April. They had updated their processing times for RIR cases to "May 2003" around the April 16th date (before that it used to read "Feb 2003" for RIR). And towards the end of April, they updated it to read "June 2003" - but they did not change the "as of" date.

Anyway, the point is, they are not really keen on updating their website. I would like this to mean that they are using their time to process cases rather than update the website.

My priority date for Ohio SESA labor certification (RIR) is September 2003.
Ohio RIR

PD of my case is Nov. 2003, so there is a long way in the state level.
And since PERM is on the way, I do not know how our RIR and tradition LCs can be influenced. And where it will go after is pass teh state level sicne chicago will focus on PERM.
UPdate your information if your LC approved recently. Thanks and god luck
Still no clue abt my case

I have asked my lawyer, there is still no clue abt my case. I think OH is purposefully holding onto to have 1 year lag for all the cases....Anyway I will post all updates. If any of the Sept Nov cases get through pls post sometimes that can happen as well.

OH is moving

Hi, Maggu

This is a great news, OH (RIR) is moving. and Chicage also moved a little. PD of my case is Nov.19, thus I still need to wait for several months.
How's your case, when did you filed to state and any news? please post.

Good luck
Ok guys good news for me

My lawyer was not available since he was in some conference therfore we did not know what happened. My case was transfered to Chicago on June 1, 2004.

Let me know if you need to know anything more. RiR EB2. :D
Hello, rest_2004_free


Can you tell me the information of your OH application? When is your priority date?

Thanks and Regards
+++++ New Sophisticated Trackers +++++

Hi All,
Please enter your information in the new trackers for all states leading to Chicago DOL, i.e. Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Wisconsin.
The trackers are available at
http://devforums.immigrationportal.com/anthesys/Production/TrackerPetition/. These trackers are only for RIR cases. The trackers for the Non-RIR cases will be made available shortly. If you are already a member of our forums, you can directy login into the tracker using the same username/password. if you are not a member of our forums, then you will have to register yourself before you can start using the tracker. Please let us know your comments and suggestions for improvements as you use this tracker. Email us at webmaster1@immigration.com.

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Ohio Processing

It looks like they could do a month worth of applications in 4 months for NON-RIR. Mine is non-rir case and applied in Feb 03 and they are working on Aug 02 cases. I can only Pray!.