NYC RIR Status

Have your received the paper yet?

My LC was certified on 12/18/2001 according to the "Automatic Reply system". But neither me nor my lawyer have received the paper yet. Have you? Is it normal to take more than three weeks for DOL to mail out the paper?

Thanks and congradulations!
congrats & good luck.

could u please post u\'r stats? filed when & stuff like that.2nd question, u called the 212-337-2193 # & put employers ph.#?
Mine was applied in April

Let\'s wait for three more months to see what\'s going on.
Today the NY SESA Labor Certificate process time has been updated to March.

Hope next month the process time can be updated to April.
We are almost there. Cheers. All LC Sufferers.
RIR getting denied

My Lawyer tells me that RIRs are getting denied by the USDOL after approval from NYDOL because of lay offs etc. Anyone facing the Same situation?
Official SESA/Regional LC Processing times

The official LC processing times can be found at
It also looks like they update on 14th of each month.
NY SESA is processing March 2001 applications and
NY DOL is processing Jan 2002 applications ( current).
Good luck to all. Hope they will not reject RIR cases?
They must have been working for the company , which had layed off the non aliens!!!

I have heard that the Labor is denied in terms of wrong practices for advertising, or there have been removal of people from the company and nwo they are recruiting new people (H1B).
Any new approvals?

Have not seen any approval for a long time? Is there just no case being approved in NY SESA or just those guys being busy in I-140 already?

Lucky guys, please update your status and help the rest of us with a little hope.

u filed when? & when is u\'r P.D?
mine is.
mailed EB3/RIR mar 31st
P.D. is april 26th,
no word yet on the automated system, lawyer said march & april is being processed, do they go by P.D?
please write u\'r stats, & post as soon as u hear something.
Forget about Approvals for next 2 years

Refer to item dated 15th Jan. There is no way appovals are forthcoming.We are at the start of 245i bubble. As per
my calculations based on stats provided in the news item i perdict
it would take at least 2 years to complete processing march & April applications.
please respond if you guys have different ideas or different views.

just read the article, u\'r right, this is such discouraging news, given up hope of hearing anything soon.
Can you give more details?

which article is that? what is the link? thanks, if not sure, any depressing new is destroying the patience here...
No Title

Fathi.718, Got a quick question. Saw your posting dated 10/10. Your
lawyer said that he was getting approvals for March\'01.Can you please
double check from your lawyer about the present status at SESA. IF
your lawyer was right then the 245i Bubble must have started sometime
in august-sept period. Just want to cross check from various sources.

Iwould request everyone to post their lawyers views so that we can make some sort o judgement in the actual processing time.
In New York current processing for permanent cases is about 5 ½ years with RIR cases taking from 10

what is this mean?
what is P.D.?

My lawyer said it was sent out by certified mail, the return receipt dated 4/23/2001.

bobxu, P.D. is the date our app. was entered into the system, u\'rs is near mine, u must have mailed u\'r app. end of march.
man10, i have posted previously under fathi718, my lawyer told us last week to wait for a couple of weeks.