NTA's served to students of Tri-Valley University in Columbus, Ohio Area


New Member
I received this note from one of the attorney's who has been helping the students affected by the TVU fraud. I am based in Columbus, Ohio - my wife was a student at TVU - since she had a valid H4 visa, several attorney's that I consulted suggested that she should leave the country and could re-enter on the H4 visa. Based on this advice, she left the country on 27th January.

I am extremely concerned about this development (issue of NTA's) - there is no fault of ours and we have all the documents to prove that we did not do anything illegal.

Since my wife is not in the country, and if we end up getting a NTA, what are the implications? Request someone to please help us out.........



For Students of Tri-Valley University in Columbus, Ohio Area

Akula & Associates, P.C., on behalf of students of Tri-Valley University affected by the shut-down of the university due to DHS/ICE investigation, is working with immigration authorities to find out possible resolutions to their current status in the U.S.

We are in constant contact with several ICE agents throughout the country for any updates on Notice to Appear (NTA) that are being issued to students. We are arranging bond hearings for the detained students across the country.

We have just been notified by ICE in Columbus, OH, that there are a new set of NTA’s which have been issued and will be served in the coming week. We urge all TVU students in the Columbus area to contact our office at 972-241-4698 for further details.
TVU is in the San Francisco Bay Area in California. Columbus, OH seems like one heck of a commute to get to class, even considering the limited online classes that were allowed.