News for future LA interviewees!


New Member
Just spoke to our congressman (someone in his staff actually) and according to a report they get from the INS
   bimonthly, on 6/19/01 the LA office was processing 485 applications filed on March 20th, 2000. They said the LA
   office is moving along well and you can kind of figure your interview appointment by those dates. For example, my
   husband\'s case (handle Rene in Ciba\'s interview list) was filed on April 19, 2000. Since they just started processing
   March 20 she said it will probably take a month before they get to his case.

   It looks like contacting your congressman is the only way you can find out what the local offices are working on.
   The staff was very friendly and is willing to make an inquiry as soon as the INS starts working on April 19, 2000
   cases. Our lawyer did not have this information.

   You can find your congressman (by zip code of where you live) here...

   Good luck to all and patient waiting!
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Hi Gisele,
 thanks for the information!

It is an interesting news but somthing strikes me : what ever happened to PD ( priority date ) ?
Congressman spokeperson does not seem to make any reference to it.
Isn\'t it how INS is supposed to processes the cases, ordered by PD? or has it always been a false assumption on our part to believe that PD had anything to do other than to control the flow of I-485 applicant per country...

without any proof to that effect, I believe that the spokeperson in the Congressman office, is making assumption of his/her own. It might be true that today the LA office is processing a case that was filed in March 2000 but the next case in line might well be one that has been filed before March 2000 if the INS uses the PD.
THere is no chronogical corroletation between PD and dates of filing...

If I am right about this, it would be another case of the INS bullshitting the politicians and the politicians not being able to make the difference between right foot and left foot before putting one in their mouth.

Liek I said in my opening remarks, thanks for the information Gisele but this does not sound reassuring to me at all!

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The processing of I-485 is supposedly based on ND or RD,
not priority date. This is true for both CSC and local
INS offices. PD need only be current at the time of
