Need Immediate help about sponsorship


New Member
My wife is filipina.....her neices were petitioned by their grandparents in california.......they had their interview yesterday and passed.......they want to come here...and stay with us in oklahoma for a better life and the grandparents it too late to change the papers and say they are coming to oklahoma instead of california... or should they go to cali and then how long before they could come here to okla? what is the best process and how long would it take if it was changed now?
anyone with any advice? we are trying to hurry the process along because one of the girls is going to continue her college here and the other is going to be a senior in high school
My aunt from California filed for us. But when we came here we landed at New York.So it is possible. But I am not sure what procedure my dad did for that because I was too young to understand this stuff at that time. :p
I'm not sure about what port if any you must land in.
But a simple change of address form AR11 should suffice after they arrive
it doesn't matter where they live. They can choose to live anywhere, regardless of where the sponsor lives.